Gray coating on the tongue - causes

Plaque in the language - the phenomenon is not so amazing. Therefore, special attention is not given to him. And in vain, because the causes of the appearance of a gray raid on the tongue can sometimes be more than serious. That is why, if the grayish film is kept on the tongue for a long time and is not removed with the help of toothpaste and special remedies, you should seek help from a doctor.

Why does a gray coating appear on the tongue?

A dense raid is really dangerous and suspicious. In some people, the tongue can take a grayish shade in the morning immediately after sleep. In the summer, the amount of it can be quite impressive. This phenomenon is considered quite natural.

But there are also more serious reasons for the formation of a raid:

  1. Very often, gray plaque occurs against the background of insufficient oral hygiene. And an unpleasant smell while this may well be missing.
  2. Yellowish-gray coating on the tongue signals about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to unpleasant changes in the language, the patient can not disturb anything. Disappear such a raid of itself soon after the addition of healthy food in the diet.
  3. Quite often the tongue becomes covered by a bloom in patients who have been treated with antibiotics.
  4. Gray plaque on the tongue can be a symptom of HIV infection . Due to such a serious disease in the body necessarily changes occur. And the organs of the gastrointestinal tract suffer in the first place.
  5. It is quite normal phenomenon is gray plaque with angina. It appears because of the multiplication in the language of harmful bacteria. It is accompanied by an unpleasant odor neutralized by herbal rinses.
  6. Another reason for the dark gray plaque in the language is dehydration of the body .
  7. In some people, the tongue can be covered with a gray film as the temperature rises.

How to cure plaque in a gray language?

In fact, it is impossible to cure a gray plaque in the language. To get rid of the problem, you need to determine and eradicate the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, it is more rational to combat gray raids starting with a comprehensive survey. This is the only way to reliably determine the cause of the problem.

More often to get rid of the gray plaque, it is enough to change hygienic means, revise the diet and change the lifestyle. But sometimes patients are prescribed special medication courses of treatment.