Tick-borne Encephalitis

With the onset of warm summer days, we all strive for the bosom of nature. Who in the woods wander around your favorite mushroom places. Who in the village to parents, grandparents. Who is for the city to his native six hundred. And who is just in the nearest public garden, densely covered with young foliage and fragrant with hundreds of different colors. But not only people and plants are happy with the bright sun and warm weather. Entire clouds of different insects, awakened after a long winter's hibernation, flooded the surrounding space. Of course, in the cycle of nature each creature has its own place and purpose, no one here is superfluous. However, some of the winged buzzing brethren can spoil the mood and even health. For example, the bite of an encephalitis mite is unlikely to please anyone. So let's talk about this insect today and find out how to treat its bites, how to prevent them and what to do if you are still bitten by an encephalitic tick.

Is any tick encephalitis?

Yes, the meeting with a tick and the possibility of getting tick-borne encephalitis can not be called pleasure. But are all the mites flying and biting necessarily infected and carrying this terrible disease? According to epidemiologists, who annually examine tick populations for the presence of tick-borne encephalitis virus, this is far from the case. There are only some areas where the infected individuals are found. In most of its insects are dangerous only by the fact that it is unnoticeable for a person to suck on the open parts of the body, and they are quite difficult to remove. But even if the detected wound was the consequence of a bite of an encephalitic tick, there is no need to panic. Encephalitis is actually a disease unit.

How to protect yourself from the bite of an encephalitis tick?

And yet, going on a country outing or country plot, it is important to know and comply with safety techniques against encephalitis and to be able to minimize the consequences of his bite. The best help in this will be the right clothes, scare off the creams and sprays and own attentiveness. So, to avoid bites of encephalitis, and any other tick, choose clothes from dense tissues. Shirts, jackets and jackets should have long sleeves with cuffs on velcro or elastic, high collar tight around the neck and be tucked into trousers. It is better to tuck in trousers in boots or high boots. Head your head with a handkerchief or put on a hat. Open parts of the body and clothes should be sprinkled with a scaring substance, and upon returning from the forest, carefully examine yourself and your loved ones for the presence of a tick. And another very effective method from the consequences of the bite of an encephalitic tick is a special vaccine, which is introduced 1.5 months before leaving the city. A month after the first injection, it is repeated. And after 2 weeks you can safely go to a dangerous area. Then the vaccine is repeated one year later, and then every 3 years. It is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers and during acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Consequences of a bite of an encephalitis tick

As already mentioned above, the consequences of a bite of an encephalitic tick can be either a sore wound from contact with an insect, or a serious disease of the central nervous system. Its main symptoms are high fever, headache, pain in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, redness of the face and other areas of the body, nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, paralysis may occur, and the worst result will be a fatal outcome. However, the effects of the bite of the encephalitic tick and the symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately, but after 10-14 days. This time is enough to prevent trouble.

How to behave after a bite of an encephalitis tick?

If you found on yourself or someone from a mite on your return from a forest walk, it would be best to contact the "first aid" point. There the medical assistant skillfully removes the insect and tells you where to turn for analysis for the presence of the encephalitis virus in this tick. If there is no possibility to consult a doctor, try removing the tick yourself. Grab it as close to the place of bite with tweezers or fingers through gauze or a rag. Slowly turning the tick around its axis, remove it, and then treat the wound with iodine, alcohol or cologne. Ticks put in a glass jar with air access, but the inability of it to crawl out, and at the earliest opportunity, send for analysis. And protect the bite from water and direct sunlight. And remember that failure to observe the basic rules of behavior in nature can lead to great trouble. In all our troubles, as a result, only ourselves are guilty, and not our smaller winged brothers.