Bite sting - how to remove a tumor?

Walking in nature often ends with insect bites, including bees. The phenomenon itself is unpleasant, however, if it is sensitive it can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to know what to do if a bee stings, how to remove a tumor, to prevent the ingress of poison into the body and prevent complications.

Tumor after a bee stings

The following measures can prevent the development of complications and the formation of a tumor. If you have a bite, you need to do the following:

  1. Carefully pull out the insect's sting and squeeze out the poison from the wound.
  2. Next, treat the affected area with ethyl, ammonia or apple cider vinegar.
  3. The application of dandelion juice or mallow juice to the wound will help to avoid the appearance of a tumor.
  4. With multiple bites, a generous drink and an injection of adrenaline are recommended.

Swelling after a bee stings

In case of spread of swelling to the face, you should urgently consult a doctor. Due to the penetration of poison into the blood, the affected areas begin to swell. In case of allergies , a serious allergic reaction may occur.

Especially dangerous if the bee stung in the throat or was accidentally swallowed. The resulting tumor after a bee stings can block the airways. Another danger of bee venom is an allergy, manifested in the form of anaphylactic shock, in which there is a malfunction of the nervous system, a decrease in pressure and edema of the bronchi.

How to remove the swelling from the bee stings?

To combat the inflammation, it is good to use special ointments and creams against insect bites. However, in the absence of such funds, you can resort to home medicine.

A rather effective tool is a compress with a soda gruel:

  1. Sprinkle the affected area with soda and add a couple of drops of water.
  2. Stir until a mushy consistency is obtained.

The use of activated carbon helps to get rid of swelling in just a day.

The resulting swelling of the bee can be removed with an alcohol compress with a mass fraction of alcohol no more than 70%.

Will help to cope with swelling lubrication of the place of bite ointment Asterisk.

Prevent edema formation by attaching ice to the site of the bite, which immediately relieve burning and pain.

The most effective means is sugar-refined sugar, the application of which to the place of bite allows you to draw poison.

Also it is recommended to apply compresses from:

It is enough to chew the plant and attach it to a sore spot. You can also resort to the help of bulbous juice.

Removes inflammation and removes the poison from the body of tea tree oil.

Most often the pain after the bite of an insect quickly subsides, but with a sharp deterioration in the state of health, you need to call an ambulance.

Preparations with a bee sting

For pain relief, local anesthetics are used. In their composition there are such components as pramoxin, hydrocortisone and lidocaine.

Also for the application on the skin use products containing baking soda or oat extract, which allows you to cope with itching.

If swelling is observed for three days, then to eliminate the poison recommend taking antihistamines. Diphenhydramine, Pipolphenol or Suprastinum are taken in combination with Analginum three times a day. With the development of edema of the larynx, Ephedrine (5%) is additionally administered.

The appearance of an allergic reaction with respiratory failure and a drop in pressure requires serious treatment with injections of Adrenaline and steroids. In some cases, a tube may be inserted into the trachea and drips may be placed.