How to salt the boletus?

Salting is considered one of the most effective ways of preserving foods throughout the winter. This method of harvesting was used centuries ago and has come down to our days, changing only the composition of the salted mixture.

Details on how to salt the boletus we will tell in recipes from this material.

How to salt the boletus for the winter in the banks?

Pickling mushrooms is a simple process that does not require sterilization. Since mushrooms absorb moisture well, it also does not take much time, while the brine can be sated with any spices and spices to taste.



Before you salt salted boletus for the winter, mushrooms should be cleaned from external soiling, then, rinse and separate the hats from the legs. Some prefer to harvest both parts of the fungus separately from each other so that the hats do not stain the brine and, with it, the legs themselves.

For the brine in 120 ml of water, you should dilute the salt, add leaves of laurel and pea of ​​pepper. When the brine comes to a boil, put pieces of mushrooms in it and leave to cook until they sink to the bottom, about half an hour.

After the mushrooms are laid out on clean cans, poured with a ready brine, screwed with lids and stored in the cold.

How to salt the boletus for the winter in a hot way?



Dissolve the salt in 190 ml of water, add oregano, chilli flakes and lemon zest strips. Wait for the liquid to boil, and in the meantime prepare the mushrooms. Well clean the boletus, rinse them, and then divide into pieces of medium size. Put the mushrooms in a seething brine and cook for about 20 minutes. Then spread the pieces of mushrooms over sterile jars and fill with brine.

How to salt the boletus in a cold way?

As a rule, fleshy mushrooms like boletus are not salted in a cold way. But if you decide to do without digestion in the brine, then the pieces of mushrooms still have to boil before cold salting to reduce the risk of poisoning to no.



At the bottom of a wooden or glass container, put a broken laurel leaf and a couple of peppercorns. Peel the mushrooms into cubes of equal size, boil for 15 minutes, then dry and start spreading in the chosen container layers, pouring each of the layers with a generous portion of salt. On top lay out the remaining laurel, pepper and dill. Cover the container with mushrooms with a lid and set the oppression.

If you do not know how to salt the boletus under the yoke, then nothing can be simpler: the containers with mushrooms are simply rearranged into the cold and left there for 40-50 days.

How to salt the boletus at home?



Peel the boletus, rinse and cook in brine for 15-20 minutes. At the bottom of the prepared cans, put about half of all the spices and herbs: currants, cloves, laurel, pepper, pieces of garlic. Start tamping the mushroom hats into a container. On top, put the remaining spices and herbs, pour all the prepared brine.