What color is visone?

Find the right color for pantyhose, also in an unfamiliar brand - the task is not easy. Most manufacturers, wishing to stand out and cater to consumers, also add their own shades to classical colors, which finally confuse many. Color visone - one of the most successful and popular, is present in many brands, but often looks different. Let's try to understand its palette.

What is the color of the visa?

In translation from Italian, visone means "mink". And indeed, it resembles the fur of this fur-bearing animal. In some, it, however, is deciphered as a "natural bodily" (for example, the brand Glamor). The color of the product depends on the density - in 40 and 50 denim pantyhose, the color of the visone will tend to brown, whereas in 8-20 dens it is really very close to the color of the sun.

Comparison of the color of the visa with other

The closest thing to this shade is the base color of daino. And if visone is an average tan that will go into coffee shades, then daino will give a hint of light, light tan. Another distinguishing feature is that daino has a yellowish sub-tecton, which will also be aggravated depending on the density of tights. However, this color is usually closer to the natural color of the skin in the off-season.

In some brands, daino is presented as a more noble, very light shade of mocha. And visone - he, only with a more pronounced gray podtonom.

Let's see what color visone from different manufacturers, and what shades it corresponds to:

  1. In the products of Golden Lady visone is presented in cold, and daino - warmer.
  2. The famous brand Sisi has no such color at all. The role of visone they have all the same daino, but the warm, golden hue is represented in the tights ambra.
  3. Among Omsa products, the color of the visa is found in the Attiva line. They have this one in a dark brown with a bronze, reddish podton. However, the manufacturer offers quite a number of other "tasty" and beautiful tan colors: cappuccino (coffee with milk), caramello (pale brown), camoscio (dark tan) and castagna (dark brown).
  4. In tights Innamore assortment is not so wide - shades slightly tanned skin tan only two: all the same visone and daino. On the basis they are similar to Golden Lady - with a reddish podton at the first, and cold, grayish - at the second.