Clothing of ancient Greeks

Legendary Greece from time immemorial is famous for its refinement and at the same time a craving for simple clothes. Indeed, can it be easier to dress, which can be created by beautifully wrapping around the body a piece of cloth? In fact, this simplicity is only visible. The Greek costume is much more complicated than it might seem.

Fashion of Ancient Greece

Beautiful and refined dresses were created by the Greek with the help of a square woolen cloth. In general, this piece of fabric was the same for both men and women, but the female version of the clothing of the ancient Greeks was called "pepelos". It was enough to wrap it around the trunk and fasten it with hairpins on the shoulders. The main advantage was that this outfit absolutely did not need cutting and sewing.

Somewhat later, the clothing of the ancient Greek underwent some changes. There was a so-called "chiton", which was a shirt and a skirt at the same time, beautifully folded. It is this Ionian garment of the ancient Greeks for women that spread in Athens with Pisistrata.

By the way, the tunic became the first closed clothing. A short chiton was worn daily, and a long one was meant for festivities. Ancient Greek fashion did not stop on a chiton and began to develop further. Masters began to cut and sew outerwear with sleeves. In form, it resembled modern blouses . A special chic clothing at that time gave a luxurious oriental fabric, from which the outfits were sewed. The Greeks used beautiful decorative elements to complement their image.

Considering pictures with Greek beauties, you can pay attention to the fact that the headgear in principle was not worn at that time. They simply were not necessary, because women were not allowed to appear on the street. At the same time, hairstyles were very popular.

One of the few elements of the dress of the ancient Greeks, which was often used as a headdress, became a gimat. This is a rectangular piece of matter 1.5 meters long and 3 meters wide. It was worn as follows: one end was tossed forward through the left shoulder, the rest of the material was stretched across the back, wound under the right shoulder, led to the chest and thrown over the left shoulder. In order to keep the gimaty, small lead loads were sewed in its 4 corners. It was this piece of matter that women sometimes covered their heads.

But a little later, already in the Hellenistic period, the severe mores of the Greeks softened, and the first headdresses appeared in the form of a straw hat. This hat was often worn over gimatiya and fastened with pins. Also, in addition to gimatia, the head of a Greek woman was covered with short matter, which reached a little to the eyes, and behind it freely closed the neck and back.

By the way, the color of the fabric, from which the underwear of the ancient Greeks was sewn, had a special significance. Thus, red dresses were intended for the Spartans, yellow dresses were usually worn for celebrations, the heather's clothing used to alternate in color strips.

Even more wealth of women's clothing of the ancient Greeks added a variety of necklaces, bracelets, diadems, earrings, rings, headband.

Greek clothes are so beautiful and refined, not having the slightest excesses, which once again confirms the aesthetics of the Greek people. At the same time, fashion has remained in an amazing way to this day. Modern women of fashion with great pleasure get themselves dresses in Greek style for everyday wear, and for various celebrations. Especially popular Greek dresses are used among brides. Here you can completely create the image of the Greek goddess, complementing his luxurious elegant hairdo.