Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth

The most common concern for "beginning" moms is the desire to return the old forms after childbirth. Some do not bother with this occupation and redirect the matter to the hands of the Almighty, while others do everything that is possible and even what definitely can not be done, just to restore the figure as soon as possible after the birth. Today we will talk about various exercises for weight loss of the abdomen after childbirth, as well as normalization of posture and pelvic floor muscles.

Prevention is the best treatment

Alas, now after childbirth late regret that they did not care about their figure during pregnancy. Gymnastics for pregnant women, special knitted socks, a balanced diet, a swimming pool and the use of anti-cellulite products - that's what could save you from lamentable consequences. But it's not too late to bring everything back to its places, after 2-4 weeks after the birth you will be able to start the exercises for the figure after the birth.


Before you start your home workout, be sure to consult your gynecologist. Such exercises are suitable for most women, but you may have individual circumstances, for example, a caesarean section .

As an aid to the exercises when restoring the figure after childbirth, we recommend that you drink plenty of morses, compotes and natural juices, and also switch to a balanced diet. Move more and remember that in the first weeks after birth, your stomach continues to diminish unnoticeably, even if you do not exercise.

  1. Posture - something that hurt no less than the stomach. The back has bent forward, and the stomach is protruding, all this has been aggravated for nine months along with the growing weight of the baby. During the day, go to the wall, bending your knees at 90⁰, your back should be 100% snug against the wall. Keep this position all the time, as soon as you feel that again you go "like a pregnant woman", go to the wall.
  2. Pelvic muscles stretched during labor and changed their structure due to the hormonal background that was replaced during pregnancy. Lying on your stomach or back, cut 50 times a day the muscles of the small pelvis. This will help restore sexual intercourse, as well as avoiding occasional urination.
  3. The main thing that interests everyone in exercises for losing weight after giving birth is a press. You should start with breathing exercises - stand with a straight back, inhale - the stomach stretches, exhalation - pulls the belly to the back. Also it is necessary to start step by step in classical exercises on the press. Lie on the floor, put your hands on your stomach. On exhalation tear off the head from the floor - so do about 2 weeks. Further hands together with a head we lift upwards - 2 more weeks. Then, together with the hands and head, tear off the floor and shoulders, and as a result passes to the usual ascents of the trunk to the bent legs.