Exercises for the hands, so that the skin does not hang

Deciding to lose weight, many people notice that the skin hangs on the arms, and they look, ugly, ugly. A similar problem also occurs in women with age. There are special exercises that allow you to tighten your skin and pump up your muscles.

What should I do if the skin hangs on my hands?

It is necessary to start with a warm-up, which warms up the muscles and increases the efficiency of training. Experts say that if you start doing exercises without preparation, then you can hammer tissue. You can do rotations of brushes, raise and raise hands in the sides, etc. Perform exercises is in 3 approaches, doing 12-15 times.

Exercises how to remove the hanging skin of hands:

  1. Let's start with the simplest exercise, but it does not reduce its effectiveness. For its implementation, it is necessary to take dumbbells , the weight of which should not be more than three kilograms. Take dumbbells with a back grip, pointing your palms up. Keep your hands on the sides, giving them a little forward. The task - having fixed hands in elbows, it is necessary to bend them, directing dumbbells to the chest.
  2. In the complex of exercises for the hands it is recommended to include this exercise, which studies the triceps, and, consequently, the sagging skin is tightened. IP - pick up a dumbbell, which should have a lot of weight. Put dumbbells behind your head and bend them at the elbows so that they look at the ceiling. Task - bend and unbend your arms, keeping your forearms perpendicular to the floor. It is important to keep your hands close to your head and move along one path.
  3. If you are interested in how to pump up your hands so that the skin does not hang, it is recommended to pay attention to reverse push-ups , as they work out the triceps well. To perform the exercise, you need to take a chair, stand in front of him with your back, sit down and rest on the edge with your hands. The legs should be bent at the knees, in which the angle should be more than 90 degrees, and keep the buttocks closer to the chair. The task - breathing in, slowly sink down until a right angle is formed in the elbows. Do not completely sit on the floor. As you exhale, rise.
  4. The French press lying on a horizontal surface is a good exercise for the hands, so that the skin does not hang. IP - sit on a horizontal bench, putting your feet on the floor and picking up dumbbells. At home, you can perform this exercise on the floor, bending your knees. Hands point upwards and hold dumbbells above your head so that palms look to each other. During the exercise, the elbows should be fixed and work on flexion / extension. Task - bend and unbend your hands, fixing them at the top point for a few minutes.
  5. Another exercise, so that the skin does not hang, is performed on the bar, and this pull-up. To load received trapezius muscles, to take the crossbar is a wide grip. Tighten, connecting the shoulder blades so that to touch the upper part of the chest to the crossbar. There should be a slight deflection in the back, but it should be straight. Look straight up. At the top, stay for a while and lower it down. To the legs do not hang, they are recommended to bend at the knees and cross.

There are several tips that need to be considered so that during slimming the skin does not sag. Get rid of excess weight is slow, because a sudden weight loss is a strong stress for the body, and this leads to the fact that the process of production of collagen and elastin is reduced. The menu should have a lot of vitamins and, if necessary, you can use the complex separately. It is important to maintain the water balance and drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day. You can also use different cosmetic procedures, do wraps, etc.