Why does the dog eat feces?

The dog's habit of eating feces always causes strong attacks of disgust at others. You want to show off your little puppy, take him out for a walk, and he suddenly starts to get up such a disgrace. Instantly I want to scream at the pet and somehow wean it from inappropriate behavior. But the question itself is interesting, why the dog eats feces of a cat or some other animal. Maybe she has incomprehensible disorders in the body, a lack of rare vitamins or elements that are not in cans? Let's dig a little in zoology and consider this issue a little wider.

What if the dog eats feces?

It is possible that we will not name all the reasons for eating excrement, but the main ones can still be listed:

  1. The female tries to keep her beloved lair clean and in such an unnatural way for us, cleans it of excrement. Puppies often copy their mother's behavior, and if the adult dog eats the feces of human, cat, chicken and other animals, the babies also try to inherit it.
  2. One of the reasons nutritionists call the lack of trace elements in the diet, which forces the dog to look for them elsewhere.
  3. It is possible that the pet tries to attract the owner's attention in this way, without realizing that this only causes him disgust, irritation and anger. Lack of attention often provokes a desire to foul puppies in a prominent place and other unusual behavior.
  4. It is believed that sometimes eating feces can cause pancreatic insufficiency.
  5. Infectious diseases in an animal.

How to disaccustom the dog is feces?

When the reason in the diet, you need to quickly adjust the diet. If you prepare food yourself, then it is well to calculate what can be missing in food, buy some vitamins or supplements. If similar calculations seem complex, it is worth buying a balanced store feed premium or super premium class. Coprophagy is almost impossible to wean with severe punishments. Some dog breeders deliberately mix some unpleasant or sharp substances in the faeces to cause the pets to dislike the feces.

After seeing the eating of feces, immediately call the dog, give her a normal treat , distract her with an interesting activity. In this case, it is important to immediately switch the attention of the pet to something useful, backing up the game or training with food. Knowing why a dog eats feces, try to foresee its behavior, and recall the animal to yourself before they become interested in it.