Why does the puppy hiccup?

All dog owners know that their pets periodically hiccup. This happens quite often, but because of what it happens, few know. Particularly sorry for the puppy that hiccups, and so want to quickly help him.

Why does the puppy hiccup, and what to do about it?

In order to understand why a puppy often hiccups, one must know the nature of this phenomenon. Hiccups are the involuntary breath of air, which often and rhythmically repeats. It is directly related to such a process as the contraction of the diaphragm. Indeed, it happens that the puppy often hiccups, but it is necessary to separate, when this phenomenon is short-term or long-term.

Short attacks of hiccups are not dangerous. They are associated with too sharp filling of the stomach. That is, the puppy simply needs to eat more slowly, and there will be no seizures. In addition, hiccup for a short time occurs when using dry food in combination with a small volume of fluid. Just need to give the puppy more drinking, and the problem will be solved by itself.

Long hiccups are much more dangerous. The fact that the puppy is long hiccup may be the next reason - a disease associated with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, hiccups can occur due to worms and the presence of a foreign body in the puppy's body. It can also be a complication after a serious illness.

If the hiccup does not last long, just give the puppy a warm water. Another tip: take the pet by the front paws and force it to stand on the rear. Hiccups must pass in a minute.

With a long-term hiccup guessing is not necessary, because the reasons can be different, and often very serious for the health and even life of the pet. Therefore, in this case, you need to urgently contact the veterinarian, and he will give advice on the treatment and care of the puppy .