Parrots for parrots by their own hands

Feathered pets spend most of their life sitting on a perch, so this product is a very important element, the choice of which must be approached thoroughly. There are different kinds of beautiful and bright things on sale, but still there is nothing better than a conventional tree. It is extremely easy to make such perches, we will now give you the easiest and most accessible way, which even the child can do.

How to make a parrot for a parrot?

  1. The material for the perch can be a branch of a fruit tree, preferably untreated with insecticides or other toxic substances.
  2. We will use a garden pruner, a hacksaw with a small tooth, a tape measure and a knife.
  3. We measure the cells, depending on how we attach the perch (along or across the cell).
  4. Cut off a piece of the branch, adding to the resulting size of about 5-7 mm. Our perch for wavy parrots should protrude slightly outwards.
  5. From the end of the twigs we perform a small cut.
  6. On the second side we make the same groove.
  7. If you attach a perch in a place where the bars meet, then the crucible is cut.
  8. You can install the products in place.
  9. There is a second easy way to attach a small perch to the walls of the cage. You will need the same twig and two plugs from a plastic bottle of fruit juice.
  10. We connect all our parts with a self-tapping screw so that the corks turn out to be flat to each other.
  11. We twist the product and attach it to the bars of the cage using stoppers as a self-made clamp.
  12. The hosts can install these cute wooden parrot pens, both outside the cage and inside.

The diameter of the perch depends largely on the species of birds, because their feet are different, and it should not be so small that the claws of your feathered pupil close. Wavy parrots, inseparers , amadines and young people are small creatures. For them, the diameter of the rod should be in the range of 0.8-1.8 cm. Corellums, loris, aratings and other medium sized birds require a perch in diameter of 1.5-3 cm. Large pets, for example, cockatoo , already need a roost up to 5 cm in size diameter.

What perch is better for a parrot?

  1. Experienced lovers almost immediately part with the plastic perches, from them many calligraphies have corns and other problems with the paws.
  2. Wooden products are much better, but the factory sticks are excessively smooth and even, which is also not very good. Birds are hard to cling to such ideal perches.
  3. Flexible cotton poles in the form of a rope with a metal rod passed inside look beautiful. But you need to make sure that the parrots do not gnaw out the fabric and do not ate the cotton, scoring a goiter. Sometimes it happens that birds are entangled in elongated threads. A damaged product should be cleaned immediately.
  4. Cement perches are strong and are successfully used for grinding claws and hang in places where birds sit or sleep rarely. They are cold to the touch.
  5. Heated perches. They are made from plastic, the power is connected either from the network, or from the batteries.
  6. To grind the beak and claws, you can purchase pumice poles or items sprinkled with special minerals. In some of them, the nozzles can be changed.
  7. There are also different kinds of flexible perches: rubber, stretchable, modular and others.

Care of perches

Periodic cleaning of the perches and their disinfection is an important matter that can not be neglected. Dilute 100 ml of bleach to five liters of water, rinse the product and dry it. Strong dirt can be removed with a metal brush. Do not use washing aromatic substances with the addition of some resins. Parrots made for parrots made from branches with their own hands can be boiled or calcined in an electric oven for about 20 minutes.