Parrots are in love - care and maintenance

Parrots are inseparable names due to the attachment of the male and female to each other, which they experience throughout life. Among the lovers of parrots, these amazing birds are very popular.

General characteristics and character of the girl-lovers

It's a small bird, the size of a bullfinch. General characteristics:

On average, the life expectancy of inseparers is 15 years. The nature of birds is non-aggressive, playful and active. They like to move around twigs and earth, they have a sonorous voice.

Types of parrots parasites

There are 9 main types of parrots parasites, whose names are usually due to their color:

Care and maintenance of parrots parasites

The content of the parrots is simple enough. First of all, it is necessary to take care of a spacious metal cage with the presence of twigs, feeders and other required attributes. In food, birds are unpretentious, they are well suited as standard food, and nuts, cereals, cottage cheese, corn, fruits and vegetables, greens, juices.

The most common diseases of inbreeds:

Homebreeding at home

The main conditions for the acquisition of chicks of the inbreeds at home: