Folk fortune-telling for Christmas

On Christmas Day, all Christians remember the great miracle - the birth of Christ. They gather in churches and hold a festive divine service, and on Christmas night many girls guess and try to find out their future. There are many people's fortune-telling for Christmas. We will describe some of them in this article.

But first let's find out what folk signs exist for Christmas.

National signs for Christmas, January 7

  1. At Christmas it was customary to go to visit in ancient times. A good sign is that if two men enter the house first. This means that all year long the family will live peacefully, without strife. If the first woman entered the house, it was for misfortunes and illnesses.
  2. If there was a thaw at Christmas, it was a sign of an early and warm spring. If frosts hit, it was believed that the same cold would be on Epiphany (January 19).
  3. If Christmas was on Friday - it meant that the winter would be long, and the summer short. If this holiday fell on Sunday, it was believed that the year would be successful.
  4. The wedding of January 7 - fortunately in a marriage;
  5. If the mistress of that day spilled something or broke it - this is to quarrel;
  6. On Christmas Day, it was impossible to take out the garbage from the hut - otherwise wait for the misfortune;
  7. On January 7, it was impossible to work, swear, move to a new place of residence, cut cattle and keep bad thoughts in my head.

And for Christmas it was customary to guess and make wishes. It was believed that all predicted and enigmatic will necessarily be fulfilled.

Russian folk fortune-telling for Christmas

I used to guess young unmarried girls. They gathered in friendly companies and, with the onset of darkness, arranged folk fortune-telling for Christmas at home. They wondered about the future, how soon they will marry, how many children will be. Popular were fortune-telling, in which it was possible to get an answer to the question.

  1. Divination with cups for the future . For fortune-telling, they took an equal number of guessing cups, put in them a coin, salt, onions, a ring, sugar, bread and a little water. Then the cups were stirred, and each girl chose one. The ring is for a speedy wedding, the coin is for financial well-being, salt is unfortunately for onions, for tears, for bread to prosperity, for water to lack of change, for sugar to merriment.
  2. Fortune telling on wax . For the fortune-telling, two wax candles were taken. One was lit, and the second was cut into pieces and put in a spoon. A spoon with wax was held over the candle flame to melt, then quickly poured into a glass with cold water. The shape that was formed in the glass guessed the future.
  3. Divination is "yes and no" . In a jar they poured some rump and held a left palm above it. Focused, asked a question, and then took a handful of cereals from the can and counted the number of grains. If the number of grains is even, the answer is positive, if the number of grains is even, negative.
  4. Folk fortune-telling for Christmas on the betrothed . On this day exactly at midnight the girls went out into the street and asked the name of the first counter man. The one that the man will call, and will be the name of the betrothed.
  5. Guessing on the floor and the number of future children . On Christmas Eve they poured water into the glass, put the ring there and put it in the cold. Before going to bed, the glass was taken and judged about the future offspring by the formed ice crust. If there were hillocks on the surface - these are boys, and the notches are girls.
  6. Folk fortune telling on Christmas night according to the book . Girls took any book and asked a question. After that they called the page and the line number, opened the book in the right place and looked at what was written there. The answer was written in the book.
  7. Guessing on the ring . Fortune-telling girls take turns to drive a ringlet in the hallway. The one whose ringlet will roll to the front door will marry this year.