Guessing on the runes on a relationship with a man

Enamored people are more or less experiencing about the love relationship. Most of all doubt settles in the head of women, so they want to know the events of the future, using various methods of predictions. Popularity is used in fortune telling on relationships that allow one to analyze existing relationships, learn about the inner world of the chosen one, and, of course, about possible prospects. There are several basic rules that relate to predictions. First of all, it should be said that the runes do not tolerate a disdainful attitude towards themselves, so take divination seriously. Whichever version of guessing you choose, you need to be in a calm environment and without unnecessary eyes. For additional concentration, you can light nearby candles or flavored sticks. Mixing the runes, you must constantly keep in mind the image of the chosen one. It is equally important to correctly formulate the question and interpret the fallen runes, the meaning of which you will find here.

Fortune Telling Odin on Relationships

This method of prediction allows you to learn about the possible prospects for the relationship and, in general, to assess the situation. First, you need to turn to the supreme deity Odin and ask him for help. After that, free yourself from extraneous thoughts, mix the runes in the bag and go on to the interpretation of fortune telling on relationships and love:

  1. Rune # 1 is the most important rune, which gives a description of the situation that has developed in the relationship, and the fundamental nature of the prospects. Other signs should be interpreted on the basis of this meaning.
  2. Rune # 2 and 3 - describes the hidden desires and possible plans in the head. The second rune concerns a woman, and the third is a man.
  3. Fleece # 4 - allows you to understand how serious the intentions of both partners and whether there is any meaning in the relationship. If you associate it with the first rune, you can understand in which direction the relationship will develop.
  4. Fleece # 5 and 6 - gives an opportunity to learn about real feelings and emotions , so on the fifth rune they judge a woman, and on the sixth - about a man.
  5. Rune # 7 - a description of the events of the near future.
  6. Rune number 8 - allows you to understand whether a man is destiny and whether the relationship will end with a wedding.
  7. Rune number 9 - sums up some sort of divination and gives a far-sighted prognosis.

Divination by three runes on relations

Very simple guessing, which tells about the past, present and future. Thanks to the information received, it will be possible to analyze the existing relations and find out if there is a future. Mix the runes and remove three marks from the pouch, and then go on to the interpretation:

If the rune fell in the forward position, then the value is positive, and if the reverse is true, then it's worth waiting for a while and then acting.

Guessing on the runes on a relationship with a man in the future

The distribution gives information, through which you can analyze the relationship , learn not only about the feelings of a partner, but also to understand yourself. You can get advice on how to act in order to strengthen relations. Mix, lay out six runes in front of you and go to the fortune-telling on the future of the relationship:

  1. Rune # 1 - real feelings of the chosen one, which he experiences.
  2. Fleece # 2 - feelings that are guessing.
  3. Rune # 3 - describes the thoughts of a man about a chosen one.
  4. Fleece # 4 - will help to understand what kind of image has developed in the head about a partner.
  5. Rune # 5 - describes the events of the near future.
  6. Fleece # 6 - useful advice to strengthen relationships.