Guessing on wax - the meaning of figures

Fortune telling on wax was transmitted to us according to national secrets from generation to generation. This kind of fortune telling refers to village magic. Figures pouring from the wax into the water, show the future or give answers to the questions posed. Typically, fortune-telling and the value of figures are used in Christmas and New Year's guesses by young girls.

You can not wait for the holidays. Divination of such a plan does not differ from fortune telling on maps in its essence. The subconscious of a man who after millennia ceased to be able to hear, brings the truth today through the things that are customarily called magical. So the pouring out with wax shows the values ​​of the figures, predicting the future for the one who asks and sincerely hopes to receive an answer.

How is the session?

In order to tell fortunes on wax, you need a bowl of pure water, a wax candle and complete silence. To any fortune-telling it is necessary to prepare carefully, because this communication with higher forces and with your subconscious is a serious process. For the sake of interest, take on the ebb and flow of wax, and the value of the figures to consider, for the sake of idle interest is not recommended.

The ceremony takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, preferably alone with you or in the company of people who are close to you and do not conceal feelings of resentment and envy.

Put a bowl of water in front of you, light a candle, then think only of your question, throw out all foreign thoughts from your mind. Keep silence. You can wait until the wax melts the hole in the candle and starts to accumulate around the wick. You can pour the melted mass into an iron table spoon. In which hand to hold the wax - it is fundamentally important, because the casting on the wax correctly shows the value of the figures from the side that is more inactive in everyday life. It is there that the subconscious mind is concentrated.

When a spoonful of wax or candle is full, pour the contents into the water. It is necessary to pour out everything at once, do not draw figures slowly yourself. Hot wax in the water freezes instantly and stays on the surface. Now you can turn over the received "medal", see what happened and see the value of the figures from the wax in the memo, below for the article.

Values ​​of figures from wax by category

Everything that can happen in your outlines is very difficult to fit into the format of the article. The best way to break the descriptions into possible categories, where by logic it will be clear what the future prophesies.

The category "people, human images"

Such figures can prophesy a quick acquaintance, intimacy, good relations with relatives. If inside you do not have a rejection to the figure that you saw, and you experience joy, then this is a good sign. The figure of a man, supposedly a man, for a woman can mean a quick alliance with a loved one, and a new pleasant romantic hobby.

Angels, elves, mystical characters - people, notify about the speedy execution of desire, friendly companies.

Category: transport

A car, a tram, a boat, a bus, an airplane - all this foreshadows a journey, a road. If the guessing person was asking about the nearest acquisition, and now a car appeared in the water, then the idea of ​​buying will come true in the very near future.

If the question was about relationships, then it can be treated like this: love will meet on the road. Perhaps a person with whom later fate will connect will not be from this city or the guesser will soon go to another country where he will meet his happiness.


Everything that can concern money, jewelry, currency signs - all foreshadows wealth and success, promotion, moving to a new apartment, long-awaited vacation.

Castle, cross, incomprehensible plexus

Such figures mean that your desire is not yet time, the fulfillment of plans is delayed for an indefinite period.


Usually, animals show a good outcome: the dog is a friend, the cat is new acquaintances. If the chicken turned out to be a profit, success; fish - good catch, winnings. There are exceptions: a snake, a bull, a cock and an owl. These animals warn of the danger that soon lies in wait for you. A rooster from a hen can be distinguished, but how to distinguish a bull from a cow? Usually this happens intuitively, but there are a few more signs: usually only the head of a bull, reporting a danger, appears. The horns of a bull are better expressed than a cow or calf. If the bull is turned in a cup, it seems that he is struck - this means that there will be difficulties along the way, but you will cope with them and gain experience, wisdom and strength (this treatment applies to all defeated animals carrying danger).