Divination by Pregnancy

If you want to know if you are ready to conceive a child, you can use fortune telling for pregnancy. There are various options that allow you to find out the time of the future conception, the sex of the child and other information you are interested in.

Divination by Tarot cards

The most truthful in this matter is the alignment of Sylvia Abraham. He will help not only answer the question, but also tell the psychological aspects that relate to this topic. Before the beginning of the divination, be sure to wash your hands, light candles and aromatic sticks and mentally tune in the future. For guessing on pregnancy on Tarot cards you need to take a full deck and mix it thoroughly. In doing so, you need to mentally ask questions that interest you. After you get out 10 cards and put them in this order, as shown in the picture.

Now let's proceed to the interpretation:

1 card - tell you if you are ready for pregnancy in the near future.

2 map - tell about your attitude to the birth of a baby.

3 card - will tell you about whether you will be a happy mother.

4 card - tell about the attitude of the future father, whether he will help, etc.

5 card - will tell you about whether you will feel a sense of discomfort and detachment from the surrounding world, and from a past life.

6 card - tell you what you have to give up during pregnancy.

7 card - will tell if your child will receive a good upbringing and education in the future.

8 map - will tell about the health of your future baby.

9 map - tell about the attitude of your relatives to pregnancy and childbirth.

10 card - sums up all the fortune telling.

To get the full information you need to know the full decoding of all Tarot cards, which can be viewed here . As you can see, the layout will help you to learn a lot of useful information not only about your future, but about the child.

Folk fortune telling on pregnancy

  1. Most often, divination is used to find out the sex of the unborn child. To perform the ritual, you will need an engagement ring, which must be tied to a chain or string. He needs to be brought to his stomach and look at his behavior. If the ring moves back and forth - you will have a girl, if making circles - a boy.
  2. In the old days, the sex of the child was determined by the changed appearance of the woman. For example, if it worsened, then there will be a girl, since it was believed that the baby takes away the beauty of the mother.
  3. Another method is to compare your age and the year of conception. If these numbers coincide in their parity or oddness, then there will be a girl.