Runic damage

Runes are the bearers of the signs of the most powerful energy. Figures, meaning runic alignment, carry the secret signs of past centuries. Scandinavian conspiracies and now enjoy insane popularity, and the owner of the secret of runic spoiling are considered strong sorcerers. The runes have one specific feature: their combinations can be protected, made more successful and even more attractive for the opposite sex, or they can kill in the literal sense of the word. It is easier to bring spell damage and curse than it might seem. It's enough to present (or transmit) a "picture" or a photo to the "interested" person, where the runic spoils are hidden, which in the future will affect his fate.

Corruption to beauty

It should be remembered that addressing witches for this kind of help - to spoil the person, you do not shift your sin on someone, and even more so do not clear "excuses" that you did not do it yourself. Your desire is realized due to the knowledge of an outsider (only and all). You are shown the right combination, which the magician himself does not use, knowing the reverse side of the coin. Combine yourself the runic damage to beauty and as a result you can face such a problem that the beauty will be left alone, and not an attractive external competitor will meet a loved one.

Corruption to loneliness

The runic damage done to a rival's photograph on loneliness may well affect your destiny, not your the rival. Moreover, you do not know, perhaps, it already has some fateful spell or legacy of the family. A "lonely" rune can act as a minus on a minus and give a plus. As a result, it happens that empty initially jealousy turns into disaster and husbands divination leave families for no reason, simply because the woman endows herself with negative energy, wanting the evil of another is working off.

Any runic damage and curses will lead to punishment for those who turn to this kind of performance. Each person has his own destiny, and another person can not influence it with the help of energy with impunity.