How to learn to pronounce the letter L?

Many of us in the childhood did not pronounce certain letters. Someone has passed it by themselves, and some are tormented to this day. I suggest you teach the child to speak the letter "l" if he has such a problem.

How correctly to speak the letter "L"?

The teeth are open, the lips are slightly ajar, the tip of the tongue rests against the base of the upper teeth, when pronouncing the air comes out along the edges of the tongue.

Speech therapies on the letter "l"

All our speech takes place on exhalation. Therefore, it is important to learn to control breathing. To help the child in this matter, you can try to blow bubbles with him, blow out the candles, move the feathers or boats on the water from place to place. The main thing is that during such games the child does not cheat his cheeks.

Do the following exercises together. Sit so that your child can see your mouth well.

  1. "The horse." Smile, half-open mouth and showing teeth. Kozhkayte tongue, like a horse, gradually increasing the speed, the lower jaw must be fixed.
  2. "The horse is going quietly." The previous exercise should be performed without sound.
  3. "Breeze". Smile, half-open mouth. The tip of the tongue is bitten by the front teeth and blow. From the corners of the mouth, two streams of air will pour. In order to check the correct performance of this exercise, bring a piece of cotton wool, or a feather.
  4. "Jam". Wide front edge of the tongue lick the upper lip from the top down, without moving the lower jaw.
  5. "The buzz of the steamer." Open your mouth, say a long "s". The tip of the tongue should be lowered, and the backrest, on the contrary, raised to the palate.

Correction of the pronunciation of the letter "L" in the older age

If there is no wrong bite and a bridle is normal, do not disturb neurological diseases and there were no strong stresses, then you can try to correct the pronunciation of the letter "l" yourself. Do not forget that the older, the more difficult. But all the complexity will be only in the weaning of habit. We will have to maintain constant control over the pronunciation, which has already happened to automatism.

Working on pronunciation, constantly train fine motor skills. Since ancient times, it is known that the development of the fingers depends on all speech development.