Meldonium - action on the body, side effects, contraindications and correct application

Among the drugs that are on hearing and causing agitation, one of the first places is meldonia, the action on the body of which interests not only doctors and patients, but also athletes, military and ordinary people who do not have special health problems. What for take meldonium, what effects come after its reception, we will consider further.

Meldonius - what is this drug?

Compound meldonium (Mildronate - the trade name of the drug) was developed in the seventies of the last century by the Latvian scientist Kalvinshem and was originally used in agriculture to stimulate the growth of animals, poultry and plants. The substance is a structural analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine, a precursor of carnitine, a substance produced in the body for important tasks. One of the functions of carnitine is related to metabolic processes and consists of transporting fatty acids into muscle cells, where fats are converted into energy.

Since 1984, meldoonia, the action on the body of which has been studied to this day, began to be officially applied in medicine. In 2012, he was included in the list of vital drugs in Russia, and in 2015 the World Anti-Doping Agency banned this drug for use in professional sports (foreign researchers have determined that meldonium is doping). Today the drug is available in pharmacies in three forms: capsules, syrup and solution for injections.

Meldonium - the principle of action

We'll figure out what effect muldonium has on the tissues of the body. Since this compound, being an analogue of natural gamma-butyrobetaine, can lead to a decrease in the synthesis of carnitine, this entails a slowdown in the process of transferring fats to muscle cells. This effect is very important in the period of oxygen deficiency experienced by the heart muscle, since with the usual intake of fatty acids and simultaneous oxygen deficiency, incomplete oxidation of fatty acids occurs with the accumulation of harmful intermediates for the heart.

Along with the slowing of the metabolism of fatty acids under the influence of meldonia an increase in the metabolic rate of carbohydrates occurs, which requires a lower consumption of oxygen. Thanks to this, more efficient formation of ATP (energy source), restoring the balance between the need of cells in oxygen and its actual delivery with blood, eliminates the accumulation of toxic compounds in the cells.

In addition, together with these processes, an increase in the content of gamma-butyrobetaine, which has vasodilating properties, is observed. This consists in relaxing the smooth muscle of the blood vessels, widening the lumen of blood vessels, improving blood circulation, which is more directed towards the ishemic areas.

Let's enumerate all the main effects achieved with the reception of meldonia:

What is the use of meldonium?

Given the effect on the body meldonium has, it is advisable to use it for various conditions associated with oxygen deficiency and increased stress. Often, for medical purposes, this drug is not the main drug and is not used separately, but is prescribed as part of a comprehensive medication. Meldonia testimony in medicine has the following:

Meldonium - application

Use meldonium in tablets, syrup or in injection form (intravenously, intramuscularly or parabulbar - introduction through the skin of the lower eyelid). Dosages, multiplicity and duration of reception are determined individually, depending on the diagnosis and severity of the patient's condition. It is worthwhile to understand that the drug can not be taken without medical purpose, because artificial interference in the normal functioning of the heart, violation of the metabolism established by nature can have negative consequences.

Meldonium for athletes

Knowing what effect muldonia can have on the body, it becomes clear why athletes use it. The tool is used in all kinds of sports activities: athletics, tennis, biathlon, wrestling, bodybuilding, swimming and others. Mildronate in sports is used to achieve the following effects:

The average daily dosage of the drug for athletes is 15-20 mg per kilogram of weight in a capsule form. It is recommended to use the medication for 30-40 minutes before the start of the main workout. The course of admission is from one to those months, after which you should make a break for at least 1 month. Prior to the competition meldonium is accepted within 2-3 weeks, and during the competition - no longer than 14 days. At the moment, the drug is banned in large sports, and the participants, in whose blood this substance is detected, are disqualified.

Meldonias in Diabetes

Recently, mildonia has been used for type 2 and type 1 diabetes, based on studies that showed the possibility of a substance to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. At the same time, the concentration of insulin does not increase. Often with this disease, the drug is prescribed with the simultaneous use of metformin (a sugar-reducing agent from the biguanide class). Such treatment, in addition to reducing blood sugar, provides the following effects:

Meldonias with arrhythmia of the heart

If the heart muscles work incorrectly, the normal heart rhythm is broken - an arrhythmia. In this case, experts can recommend meldonium, the application in medicine which shows good results. When using the drug in the complex therapy, it is possible to achieve stable stabilization of the rhythm of the heartbeats. Due to taking the drug in patients, the risk of developing angina pectoris , myocardial infarction is reduced.

Meldonium from pressure

Meldonium, whose effect on the body manifests itself more in terms of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, will be useful for patients with high blood pressure. Studies show that the drug, along with the main therapeutic effects (among which is an important vasodilating effect for reducing pressure), helps to reduce the increased level of cholesterol in the blood - a common cause of hypertension. In this case, patients can be recommended to use meldonium intramuscularly.

Meldonium with alcoholism

Effective meldonia from a hangover , manifestations of withdrawal symptoms in patients with chronic alcoholism. The drug not only improves well-being, but also prevents the onset of severe consequences associated with the effects of alcohol on the heart and brain. The average single dose in this case is 500 mg, which take 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days. Therapeutic courses are held at intervals of at least 1-2 months.

Meldoniy from fatigue

In some cases, the medicine meldoniy appointed for chronic fatigue associated with increased mental and mental stress, and when the body is exhausted due to a long-term disease. The drug, which has an excellent tonic effect, helps the body cope with the stresses without damage to the cardiovascular system, rather recover, get rid of weakness and drowsiness.

Meldonium - side effects

Let's enumerate what side effects meldoniy is capable of provoking:

Does the mulberry get used to it?

It was found that meldonium and Mildronate, with prolonged use, are addictive in some people. Especially noticeable is the negative effect of athletes who, after stopping the use of the drug, begin to experience psychoemotional problems - a feeling of unpreparedness for training or competition, rapid fatigue, weakness.

Meldonium - contraindications for use

Medicinal preparation meldonium contraindications to the appointment has the following:

Meldonium - analogues of the preparation

If it is not possible to take drugs containing meldonium, analogues exhibiting a similar pharmacological effect can be used in agreement with the doctor. Such medicines include: