Snot in the throat of an adult - how to get rid?

Presence of a snot in the throat is an unpleasant symptom that provokes other uncomfortable manifestations:

Why does the snot accumulate in my throat?

Mucous clusters can be caused by various infectious diseases ( sinusitis , rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis), and can be caused by irritating and allergenic substances (dust, pollen, smoke, some medicines, spicy food, alcohol.) Snot sores and cough in an adult they are associated with neoplasms of the nasopharynx (tumors, polyps), curvature of the nasal septum, diseases of the digestive system (due to irritation of the mucous membrane with the contents of the stomach).

Given the variety of reasons for the appearance of snot in the throat in adults, the question of how to cure and get rid of this problem can not be universal. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a survey and establish a diagnosis, because only the effect on the causative factor can be an effective method of treatment. However, in addition to the main methods of treatment in order to quickly remove snot from the throat in adults, it is possible to carry out symptomatic treatment, which will be discussed later.

How to treat snot in the throat of an adult?

Symptomatic treatment of snot in adults, which drain from the nose into the throat, gathering on the back wall, or form directly in the throat, is reduced to mechanical removal. Several methods are used for this.

Rinsing of nasal passages

For this procedure, you need to use a special device-teapot to wash the nose, a small syringe with a soft tip or a large syringe without a needle. As a washing solution, it is recommended to use physiological saline solution or sea salt solution - the safest, universal means that effectively dilute thick mucus, wash it out and moisten the mucous membrane. The algorithm of the procedure is as follows:

  1. Fill the auxiliary device with a solution warmed to body temperature.
  2. Tilt your head over the sink and turn it sideways by 45 degrees.
  3. In the nostril, which is higher, place the tip of the device.
  4. Tilt the device (press on the syringe or syringe) and inject approximately 100 ml of the solution.
  5. When the liquid comes out of the lower nostril, blow your nose and repeat the procedure, tilting your head the other way.

In the case of severe swelling of the nasal mucosa, obstruction of nasal passage, it is necessary to use nasal vasoconstrictive drops first.


Various solutions can be used for rinsing:

If an adult has sore throats and snot green, this indicates the infectious nature of the disease. In view of this, it is more expedient to use solutions of antiseptics for rinsing (the second half of the list).

When rinsing the throat, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The head during the procedure should be retracted, and the tongue drawn outward.
  2. The duration of the rinse should not be less than thirty seconds.
  3. After rinsing it is advisable not to eat or drink for about an hour.

Also, with such a problem as snot in the throat, it is recommended to drink more liquid (at least eight glasses per day), walk more often outdoors, adhere to the norms of optimum humidity and indoor air temperature.