Trigan D - indications for use

This analgesic has a combined effect. Thanks to this, Trigan D is shown to be used in cases where the effect needs to be obtained quickly, and other medicines prove to be powerless. The medicine can be compared with a narcotic substance, but if you take it competently, any side effects can be avoided.

The action of Trigan D

Trigan D doctors show to the use of many patients. The speed of the drug is provided by its composition. At the heart of the drug are the two main substances: dicycloverin and paracetamol. Dysycycle is responsible for anesthesia. The most effective substance copes with spasms in smooth muscles. Paracetamol is also added to the medication in order to accelerate and enhance the analgesic effect.

After taking Trigan, its active substances are quickly absorbed and absorbed by the body. Their maximum concentration is observed after about half an hour. By this time the patient's condition should already be normalized. Most of the medicine is excreted in the urine, the remains are with feces.

In what cases is Trigan indicated for use?

The drug copes well with pain of different origins. But most effectively it eliminates the unpleasant sensations that arise in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main indications for the use of Trigan are the following problems:

In addition, Trigan D is used for temporary anesthesia in neuralgia, myalgia, sciatica, arthralgia. The drug is also able to cope with the usual headaches and migraines. It is sometimes prescribed for severe dental pain and during recovery after major diagnostic interventions or surgery.

Treating with Trigan can even catch a cold. Paracetamol, which is part of the composition, effectively reduces the temperature of infectious and inflammatory diseases. But this medicine is not suitable for everyone.

Application of the drug Trigan D

You need to take Trigan inside. Dosage in each case is determined individually. But basically doctors prescribe to drink on a tablet two or three times a day. In the most difficult situations, the dose increases, and at the same time you can take two tablets. In this case, the daily dose should not exceed four pills.

If you start taking Trigan without consulting a specialist, do not forget that you can drink it regularly for no longer than five days. Those people who, for health reasons, are supposed to use the medicine for a longer period, need to monitor peripheral blood and regularly monitor the functional state of the liver. In case of an overdose, hepatic insufficiency may develop.

Trigan D - contraindications for use

Sometimes Trigan not only does not help, but will also aggravate the general condition. You can avoid this by knowing the contraindications to the use of the medicine. And it is forbidden when:

Like most other analgesics and analgesics, Trigan D can not be given to children under twelve.