Zodak or Zirtek - which is better?

Very often in pharmacies, instead of Zirtek, they offer its analogue - Zodak. In this article, we will try to compare Zirtek and Zodak to understand what is best, or how one drug differs from another.

Zirtek and Zodak - similarities

Both Zirtek and Zodak are second generation antihistamines, the action of which is based on the blocking of histamine receptors and the suppression of allergic manifestations. The main active substance of both agents is cetirizine dihydrochloride.

The forms of Zirtek and Zodak release are similar. They are produced in the form of drops, syrup and coated tablets. Medications are for internal reception.

Zodak and Zirtek are recommended for the same diseases, that is, the indications for the use of these medicines are the same:

The dosage regimen of both drugs is the same, which is determined mainly by the age of the patient.

Zirtek and Zodak - the difference

Estimating the composition of Zirtek and Zodak, you can see that these drugs have minor differences in the auxiliary substances. However, given that these substances do not have a therapeutic effect, it can be considered that this fact practically does not affect the final effect of the drugs. But you should be careful and check whether you have an increased sensitivity to any of the excipients.

The drugs under consideration are manufactured by various manufacturers: Zirtek is made in Switzerland, Italy and Belgium, and Zodak is made in the Czech Republic. In view of this, these preparations may have some differences in the degree of purification of raw materials, production technology, etc. However, significant changes in clinical and pharmacological parameters are not allowed.

A significant difference in drugs, which is quite significant for consumers, is their cost. So, Zirtek is at times more expensive than Zodak. By the way, taking this into account, the advantage of Zodak can be not only that you can save considerably on its purchase, but also that the chance to buy a counterfeit is minimal. This is explained by the fact that it is economically disadvantageous to forge cheap medicines.

In view of all of the above, it can be concluded that Zirtek and Zodak are interchangeable drugs, and when choosing one of them you can focus only on your financial capabilities.