Detritus in the coprogramme

The coprogram, which is a physicochemical and microscopic study of stool, allows specialists to get an idea of ​​the digestive capacity of the human gastrointestinal tract. Thus, you can identify various diseases of the stomach, thin, thick and rectum, pancreas , liver, etc.

During the analysis the material undergoes reactions with various chemical preparations, with the help of which some substances and their quantity are detected in the stool. More components (food and non-food origin) can be determined by examining the feces under a microscope. Consider what an indicator means, such as detritus, in a coprogram, marked in a moderate, large, small amount (the amount of detritus can be designated as a result of a coprogram by numbers from 1 to 3 or by signs "+").

Detritus when decoding the coprogram

Detritus is a mass of small structureless particles of different shapes, which consists of the remains of elements of processed foods, decay products of epithelial cells of the intestine, and remnants of microorganisms. When performing microscopic analysis, these particles can not be recognized and normally constitute the bulk of the stool, against which various inclusions can be detected.

By the amount of this element of feces one can judge the fullness of the digestion of food. A large and moderate amount of detritus indicates a complete digestion of the food products used, indicating a well-coordinated work of the digestive tract. Conversely, a small amount of detritus, together with a significant number of differentiated (recognizable) elements, is a sign of incomplete digestion, i.e. various violations of the functioning of the digestive system.

It should also be noted that the greatest amount of detritus can be found in the stool, and the smallest - in the liquid. Those. the more fecal the feces, the less it is. Most detritus is observed with prolonged stool retention. If at the same time mucus and altered leukocytes are detected in the feces, this often indicates the course of the inflammatory process in the large intestine .

Thus, in itself detritus when decoding a coprogram can tell a little about what. Consider this indicator should be combined with other characteristics of the material being studied, and only in this case it is possible to suspect various deviations or treat the result as normal.