Infiltrative tuberculosis

One of the most common forms of tuberculosis is infiltrative tuberculosis, in which the zone of defeat of the alveoli and bronchi reaches from 2-3 cm to the whole lobe, but necrosis does not have a focal character. This type of tuberculosis has other characteristics.

Symptoms of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis

A healthy organism resists bacteria of tuberculosis, respiratory organs from them are protected by special mucus that accumulates in the upper respiratory tract and prevents infection. This substance ceases to be produced for colds, inflammations, or chemical damage to the mucous membrane and bronchi.

Primary infection with mycobacteria tuberculosis is invisible to prying eyes. Once in the human body, they hit the weakest organs. Usually dislocated in the alveoli of the lungs and bronchi due to high humidity. This is a favorable environment for their life. Over time, the accumulation of bacteria grows and we can already observe an infiltrative site a few centimeters in size.

Very often infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis at the onset of the disease is asymptomatic. In rare cases, the disease begins, like SARS:

All these signs pass fairly quickly and the only way to detect the disease is X-ray examination and fluorography. Sometimes it is possible to spot tuberculosis on examination during percussion and listening, but in this case it is easy to confuse it with pneumonia. Infectious tuberculosis is contagious, it can be determined only after sputum analysis on BK (Koch bacillus).

Treatment of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis

Treatment of infiltrative tuberculosis, depending on the stage of the disease, can include from 4 months to several years. Most of this time the patient will spend in the hospital of the tuberculosis dispensary, strictly observing the rules of hygiene and diet. Many medications are used intravenously, some can be used in the form of tablets, but in any case, constant monitoring of doctors and control is necessary.

Recently, chemotherapy has proved itself well, but it is possible only with primary infection. With relapsing tuberculosis, this technique is not applied. Complications, such as infiltrative tuberculosis with disintegration, are very dangerous, since tissue necrosis can lead to general intoxication of the body and even death. Pneumothorax is often necessary. That's why the patient is not recommended to leave the territory of the medical institution. Another factor is the minimization of tuberculosis infection in the open form of other people.

Ochagovo-infiltrative tuberculosis is characterized by the presence of several lesions and is also one of the complications of the disease.

After discharge from the hospital, the patient is prescribed special medication that is designed to prevent relapse. In general, the prognosis for infiltrative tuberculosis can be either favorable or unfavorable. In the first case, there is complete recovery with the formation of a scar in the place of the focus of the disease or without it. In the case of a negative result, the patient will have to undergo a second course of treatment and continue to use the drugs that constrain the infection and its spread throughout the rest of his life. Also monthly inspection and delivery of sputum for analysis is shown.

And to prevent an undesirable outcome of the disease, do not forget to do fluorography on time .