Fungal infections

Fungal infections or mycosis are diseases caused by parasitic fungi. Distinguish superficial mycoses (defeat of external skin integuments, nails, mucous membranes) and deep (with defeat of internal organs, occur much less often).

Pathogens of fungal infections

  1. Candidiasis. Known even under the name "thrush". It is caused by yeast fungus of the genus Candida and most often affects the mucous of the genital organs and oral cavity.
  2. Dermatophytosis. Fungal skin infection caused by fungi Trichophyton and Microsporum. Most often it affects the fingers, the skin of the palms and feet, as well as the scalp.
  3. Onychomycosis. Nail disease, also caused by fungi from the group of dermatophytes.

In addition to these most common fungal infections, fungi cause:

Diagnosis and treatment of candidiasis

Defeats the fungus of the genus Candida is the most common among all fungal infections. When lesions of the genital organs are characterized by the presence of cheesy discharge, white plaque and severe itching. When the oral mucosa is affected, the itching is less common, but the presence of a dense white coating, puffiness, and a feeling of dryness in the mouth is also characteristic. Usually this fungal infection in the mouth is localized on the inner side of the cheeks and in the tongue, but in neglected cases it can fall lower, affecting the tonsils and throat.

Candidiasis usually uses fluconazole (diflucan) and ketoconazole (nizoral, mycosoral) in tablets. As a local remedy, for rinsing the mouth or syringing, weak solutions of potassium permanganate, furacilin, boric acid, chlorophyllipt are used. From vegetable remedies, decoctions of oak bark, calendula and St. John's wort are used most often.

Diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections of the skin

One of the most characteristic symptoms of fungal damage are skin rashes and itching. Since such symptoms may indicate some other diseases (for example, allergies), and the appearance of the rashes may differ depending on the type of fungus, for precise diagnosis it is necessary to make a special analysis for the fungal infection. For this, a scraping is taken from the affected area of ​​the skin, which is then studied in the laboratory. In this case, the skin area from which the analysis will be taken should not be treated with antimycotic and other strong external means for a minimum of 7 days.

To treat such infections, first of all, external preparations are used in the form of special ointments, gels and nail polish (in case the nail plate is affected).

As a rule, preparations based on:

For oral administration, antifungal agents based on terbinafine are most commonly prescribed.