Sex after a miscarriage

Many women who survived a miscarriage with the subsequent cleaning of the uterus are interested in the question of when after this you can have sex. After all, despite the strong emotional shock after the incident, married couples do not give up hope of conceiving a child again.

When can you have sex after a miscarriage?

Sex after miscarriage with cleaning is a rather delicate and serious topic. Cleaning the uterus is essentially equivalent to abortion, so sex after it should be banned for at least three weeks.

Uterine cleansing is an operation to remove the lining of the uterus and the contents of the uterus. After this procedure, a new mucosa grows from the endometrial growth layer.

Despite the fact that external damages of the uterus (stitches and wounds) are absent, the sexual organs of a woman are seriously injured due to a violation of the integrity of their vessels and protective mucous membranes. Therefore, the risk of infection from the outside during sexual intercourse is quite large.

In this regard, it is necessary to protect women by strictly observing the rules of personal hygiene and limiting intimate relationships. Ideally, a sexual life after a miscarriage can begin only after the arrival of another menses.

Planning pregnancy after miscarriage

As for planning the next pregnancy, then this should not be rushed. This can be thought about not earlier than six months, but better than a year after the miscarriage. After all, if there is a small break between pregnancies, the probability of a second miscarriage increases. In addition, too early pregnancy after a miscarriage can be the cause of the development of abnormalities in the fetus.

In any case, planning pregnancy after a miscarriage requires a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist to prevent the repetition of the sad consequences of a previous pregnancy. Perhaps a woman will have to undergo appropriate treatment, so that the next conception ends with the birth of a long-awaited baby.