Does the abdomen hurt in the early stages of pregnancy?

Many women who have recently learned about their situation are interested in the answer to the question as to whether the stomach hurts in the early stages of pregnancy, its first weeks, and whether it is normal. Consider the situation in more detail, we will give an exhaustive answer.

Does the abdomen have pain in the first days of pregnancy?

It is worth noting that such manifestations of a woman should not be disturbed. However, some future mothers still face them.

The cause may lie directly in the ongoing implantation. As you know, it is observed about 7-10 days after fertilization. In this case, some future mothers note the appearance of soreness in the lower abdomen: the pain has a pulling, weakly expressed character, very similar to what is sometimes noted before menstruation. However, there may be small bloody discharge from the vagina, a result of a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the uterus at the time of insertion of the fetal egg into it. Their volume is small, duration rarely exceeds 1 day.

Answering the question of women, can stomach ache in early pregnancy, doctors, in the first place, pay attention to the beginning in the body of the restructuring of the hormonal system. Such pains have a weak intensity, unstable character, are stopped by the ingestion of antispasmodics.

What can the pain in the lower abdomen indicate?

If he talks about whether the abdomen should be ill during pregnancy, then it is unacceptable to regard this symptom as a sign of gestation. Normally, a woman should not experience this. Therefore, if the pain has appeared and you know that you are pregnant, you need to inform the doctor.

Directly doctors and find out whether the abdomen during pregnancy is hurting from the beginning of perestroika, or is it a sign of complication. After all, gestation is often interrupted at a very short period, so-called spontaneous abortion develops. In addition, this symptomatology can also indicate such violations as: