Increased pressure in pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time when a lot of changes take place in the body: physiological and hormonal. To monitor the state of health, future mothers attend a women's consultation, where they regularly measure blood pressure. Normally, future mothers may have some decrease in blood pressure. But sometimes it goes off scale, and the gynecologist appoints additional studies to identify a possible pathology. Therefore, many women in the state of concern, why the pressure in pregnant women increases. And the most urgent question: how to lower the pressure in pregnant women without harm to the fetus.

In general, there are two indicators of blood pressure - systolic (upper) and dystolic (lower). The norm of pressure in pregnant women is considered to be between 110/70 and 120/80. Increased pressure, that is, hypertension, in expectant mothers is an excess of 140/90.

Causes of increased pressure in pregnant women

Often, the pressure of a woman jumps without reason. Usually it happens because of the so-called fear of "white coats", as well as because of stress, fatigue or physical strain. Therefore, in order to exclude an incorrectly diagnosed diagnosis, the pressure is measured on the same device and not less than during three visits with an interval of a week. However, if the arterial hypertension is confirmed, the reasons for its occurrence can be:

What is dangerous high blood pressure in pregnancy?

Arterial hypertension in a future mother can lead to vasospasms. This applies to the vessels in the uterus and placenta. Because of this, the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is disrupted. The child suffers from hypoxia, there is a slowdown in development and growth. As a consequence, the child may have neurological disorders, congenital pathologies.

In addition, increased pressure in pregnant women sometimes leads to placental abruption and uterine bleeding, which is a danger to the woman and her child.

Preeclampsia is also diagnosed in the presence of increased blood pressure in pregnant women. Edema, weight gain, protein in the urine, "flies" before the eyes also indicate this condition. Pre-eclampsia affects about 20% of expectant mothers with chronic hypertension. Without treatment, this disease can go to eclampsia, characterized by seizures and even coma.

Than to lower pressure at pregnant women?

If a woman is diagnosed with hypertension, doctors recommend a diet that requires the rejection of sweet, fatty and salty foods. Diets will be sufficient only with a slight increase. Before you reduce the pressure in pregnant women, Further studies are needed to diagnose possible co-morbidities. To reduce high blood pressure in pregnant women, drugs are selected that do not have harmful effects on the fetus. These include Dopegit, Papazol, Nifedipine, Metoprolol, Egilok. If there is no improvement, hospitalization is necessary to control the pressure, protein in the urine and the general condition.

Increased pressure and pregnancy are quite frequent companions. But in any case, do not risk your health and the health of the baby. Be sure to sign up for a consultation with a specialist and follow all the recommendations assigned to them.