15 weeks gestation - fetal movement

Each future mother is looking forward to the day when the baby will let you know about himself with his first jerks. In the women's consultation, the doctor also asks to remember this date to fix it in the pregnant woman's card.

The onset of fetal motor activity

Usually the first movements of the fetus are felt after 15 weeks of pregnancy. And those who are preparing for repeated childbirth, feel them earlier than those who wait for the first baby. Primordial, most often, first hear the first tremors closer to 20 weeks. But this does not mean that the child did not move at all until this moment. In fact, starting at about 7 weeks, the first movements appear. But since the fetus is still too small, it does not touch the walls of the uterus, which means that it does not make itself felt. At the first ultrasound screening, you can see how the baby makes movements with his limbs.

Closer to 14-15 weeks of gestation, movements become more active. This is explained by the fact that the child has grown, his limbs have become familiar to us. The crumb floats in the liquid, pushing away from the walls of the uterus. But because of its small size, Mom can not clearly feel such jerks. Some women, listening to their body, note some unfamiliar signals, but can write it down to the work of the intestines or muscle tension. This is one of the reasons why the miscarriages can feel the movements in 15-16 weeks. They are already experienced mothers, they know exactly what to expect, since they are already familiar with this phenomenon. In addition, their abdominal wall is somewhat stretched and sensitive, which contributes to a better perception of the activity of the baby.

Also, you should know that full women will be able to recognize the movements of the crumbs later than those that have low weight. A thin expectant mother, who is expecting the first birth, also has every chance of feeling fetal movement closer to week 15.

Norm of motor activity

The behavior of the baby, the way it moves, is important for assessing the course of pregnancy. Some doctors can ask a future mother to keep a small diary in which they will record the movements of the baby.

The child is in constant movement around the clock, except for the time when he is sleeping. After 15-20 weeks of pregnancy, the number of perturbations is about 200 per day. By the third trimester, their number increases to 600. And then the child becomes more difficult to actively move in the womb because of its increased size, because the number of shocks is reduced. It is worth noting that the mother in any case can not hear absolutely all the movements.

The following factors influence the activity of crumbs:

If at 15 weeks of pregnancy the sensation of stirring is not available to every future mother, then by 24 any woman should listen to her body. If she sees a change in the nature of the movements of the crumbs, she should consult a doctor. After all, it can become a symptom of some kind of disturbance, for example, hypoxia, lack of hydration. The doctor may prescribe additional examinations to determine the condition of the child. If necessary, treatment will be prescribed. A gynecologist can send a pregnant woman to a hospital. Do not immediately refuse. In the conditions of the medical institution, the future mother will be under the close supervision of specialists. If it turns out that everything is fine, then it will be sent home.