The first movement of the fetus during pregnancy

The first movements of the future child appear very early - they can be seen on ultrasound from the age of 7, and together with a heartbeat they show that the fetus is alive and developing. And at 12 weeks you can clearly see not just the movements, but the knobs of the future child and how active the fetus - any violations of the pregnancy will lead to either reduced or excessive motor activity.

When does the fetus begin to move?

But the woman will not feel the first stirring of the fetus soon (closer to 18-20 weeks) and even if it seems to her that she heard the child moving somewhere in 10-12 weeks, then this is not so. Most likely for movement in this period, you can take an increased intestinal peristalsis.

Fetal movement during first and subsequent pregnancies

If the woman's pregnancy is first, then she should feel the first stirring of the fetus on the 20th week. But with the second and the next pregnancies this is possible two weeks earlier - at week 18. But this is very individual, and often a woman can feel the movement of a child much earlier or later - from about 14 weeks to 25 weeks.

But, if there is a 21-23 week, and the woman does not feel the stirring of the fetus, or worse - she does not feel the movements after the 25th week, then it is necessary to visit the doctor: to listen, whether the heartbeat is normal. And, if necessary, to conduct additional ultrasound to find out how the child develops and observe its motor activity.

What does it depend on when the first movements of the fetus appear during pregnancy?

At the first pregnancy the sensitivity of the uterus is lower than at the second, and the woman feels the child's movement later - the difference is usually 1-2 weeks. Early movement of the fetus during pregnancy appears already from 14 weeks, but not always the sensation of the mother is reliable and often take the work of the intestine more often.

But by 18-20 weeks the woman still begins to distinguish when the child moves. The appearance of the first perturbations depends on the weight and position of the baby in the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat of the mother, and the sensitivity of her nervous system. Even the time of day and physical exercise affect it - at rest, at night the child moves more actively.

After 25 weeks of stirring, a woman should feel compulsory, keep track of them every day, and from 28 weeks in an hour, count up to 10 movements during a fetus test. If there are more than 15 movements or were not present during the day, you should immediately consult a doctor - hypoxia of the fetus or even intrauterine death is possible.

How to determine the date of birth by the first movement of the fetus?

There is a belief that if by the day when the pregnant woman felt the first movement of the fetus, add exactly 20 weeks, then you can find out the exact date of birth. But in fact determining the date of birth according to the first perturbation is a very doubtful method. Even if the pregnancy is the first, and the woman's movement was felt exactly at the 20th week of pregnancy, and ultrasound confirmed it.

At the time of birth affects a lot of factors, such as:

And if the woman's movement was felt earlier or later than the average time, but mistakenly thought that it was 20 or 18 weeks, the possible date of birth may be very far from reality. It is better to use the old good method of determining the date of birth by the date of the last month or by ultrasound. But any technique for determining the date of possible births does not give one hundred percent results, and when a baby is born it is almost always a surprise for future parents.