Treatment of preeclampsia

Pre-eclampsia refers to diseases of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and is associated with impaired vascular wall permeability under the influence of toxins and with impaired renal function when the ureter is squeezed by a growing fetus.

Pre-eclampsia of pregnant women - symptoms

Pre-eclampsia refers to late pregnancy gestosis. Symptoms of pre-eclampsia are a triad of symptoms: swelling, the presence of protein in the urine and increased blood pressure.

Preeclampsia has 3 degrees of severity:

Pre-eclampsia of pregnant women - treatment

Treatment of preeclampsia directly depends on the degree of severity and is aimed at preventing complications for the mother and child. Pre-eclampsia of mild degree in pregnant women usually does not require medical treatment and it is often enough to limit the amount of liquid and salt consumed, provide adequate nutrition, rest and exercise.

At a pre-eclampsia of average severity prescribe medicamental treatment:

If severe preeclampsia is diagnosed, emergency care is needed to rapidly lower blood pressure and prevent the onset of seizures. When first aid is given and the duration of pregnancy allows, pre-eclampsia can be recommended for emergency delivery, including cesarean delivery.

Prevention of preeclampsia

The prevention of this disease includes taking aspirin in small (antiaggregant) doses, the use of calcium and magnesium preparations, a diet rich in these microelements. But any medicine for the treatment and prevention of disease can be prescribed only by a doctor. Pre-eclampsia after childbirth is over, and treatment after delivery is no longer prescribed. Only in the early postpartum period is it necessary to monitor a woman and control blood pressure because of the possibility of eclampsia.