Date of birth - how to determine the day of conception and the last month?

Immediately after the woman learns about her situation, it becomes necessary to find out the time when the child will be born. The date of delivery can be calculated in various ways, both with the use of special techniques, and through mathematical actions. Let's consider each of the methods in detail, pay attention to more relevant ones.

How do I know the date of birth?

To begin with, make sure that the delay is due to gestation. For this purpose, the test is repeated. Two or more positive results of 100% indicate an imminent addition to the family. The exception is violations when the fetal egg does not reach the uterine cavity. In this case, the embryo is killed at the beginning. This requires the purification of the uterine cavity in a medical setting.

To calculate the duration of pregnancy and the date of birth, the future mother is capable of several options. To apply them, be sure to know at least one of the following parameters:

Before calculating the birth number of the child, remember that the duration of the gestational period is normally accepted in 38 weeks. In days it is 266. In view of the fact that in most cases it is problematic to name the day of "meeting" of sexual cells, the date of birth is reckoned from menstrual flow. In such a situation, the duration of the entire period is 280 calendar days.

Determination of the gestational age and the date of delivery

The choice of methods depends entirely on the details available. Each is extremely simple, so in practice each of them will apply independently. You can determine the date of birth by:

Estimated date of birth

Due to lack of detailed knowledge, midwives often rely on menstrual day. So the preliminary date of childbirth appears . The term means that the day exhibited as a result does not always coincide with reality. There are many reasons for this. The most common is the unequal length of the men's cycle of men.

How to calculate the date of birth correctly?

First, the future mother should try to remember at least 1 of the required parameters mentioned above. The most accurate of the existing techniques used to calculate the date of delivery is ultrasound. It takes into account the rate of embryo development, allowing you to know, with an accuracy of 1-3 days, the current time of bearing the fetus. The date of the forthcoming delivery is predicted only in the conditions of a medical institution. The procedure is carried out at 12-14 weeks.

Birth date by conception date

Thanks to observations, it was found out that the time for which the fetus is fully formed is equal to 266 days. The starting point is based on how the zygote formed. Given this rule, in order to calculate the term of delivery according to the date of conception, the duration of gestation is added to the well-known day. For simplicity, they are more likely to count for weeks, adding 38.

It is worth noting that this way to calculate the date of birth is problematic. Not all girls make baseline temperature measurements every day, they keep a schedule. Immediately at this time there is a seizure of the spermatozoon released from the follicle, ripe egg. In addition, the process itself is strongly influenced by external factors (stress, overstrain, physical stress), which causes its displacement. As a result, and the fusion of cells occurs earlier or later than the predicted day.

Date of birth by date of last monthly

A common, applicable not only by the ladies in the position, but also by the gynecologists algorithm. To understand how to calculate the day of childbirth at the last monthly, you need to accurately recall the former menstruation. The representatives of the fair sex who follow their health, there are no problems with this, so the date of delivery is considered fast. Difficulties can only be in a situation where a girl has an irregular menstrual cycle.

To calculate the date of delivery for the last month, use the formula of Negele. According to her, from the first day of observed menstruation, 3 months are subtracted, after which 7 days are added. The same result, if you add 40 weeks. Due to the simplicity, ease of action, the method has become most widespread, even taking into account the inaccuracy and low objectivity.

Date of birth by first movement

An additional option used to specify the period of delivery. Allows you to confirm or disprove the received data. Talking about how to calculate the births by the first stir, midwives indicate the dependence of the parameter on the number of previous gestations. At moms, waiting for the first-born, "tickling" occur at week 20. Bearing the second baby, notice this at 18.

Date of delivery for ovulation

Count the birth time of the baby so can those pregnant that for a long time conducted a graph of basal temperature. Normally, the output of the reproductive cell is observed immediately in the middle of the cycle. So, if its length is 26-28 days, then it is fixed at 13-14. To calculate the birth by ovulation, 280 days are added to the present day. The result is the approximate time of birth of a crumb.

The method is not widely used for several reasons. Among them are:

In addition, the fusion of the sperm and the egg occurs later than the output of the female sex gamete. It is due to the fact that for 48 hours, it remains viable and can be fertilized. As a result, the birth of a new life with high accuracy can not be recognized in this way. Do not use it and obstetrician-gynecologists, even when the approximate time of origin in the body of such a complex process is known.