Short line of life on the arm

Everyone once wanted at least a little, but look into the book of his life and find out what the future holds for a person and what life span is measured to him. As you know, on the arm is a large number of vital lines responsible for certain areas of life. So, the most famous line is the life line . Even those who are far from chirology have heard this name.

This line occupies one of the leading roles. Ideally, it is a smooth, deep, long, without any possible breaks, violations and a straight line. But it is not easy to meet a palm with such a line. In most cases, the life line is broken by intersections, islands and other changes. They have their secret meaning, and every person he treats differently.

Short line of life

This length of this life line in most cases is associated with the short-lived life of its owner. But this is not quite true forecast. Consider the case in more detail if you find that you have a short line of life on your hand.

If on one palm this line is short, but not on the other, and while the long line is on the active hand (for example, on the right for right-handers), then there is no reason for excitement. Your future is located on the active palm, instincts, past, common purpose - on the left hand.

The worst sign is if the life line ends with a fork, bifurcates. Ancient palmists claimed that the sign of death on those people from whom it sharply breaks, but as a result of new discoveries, this is an erroneous interpretation, which means that the short line of life indicates only a lack of vitality and poor health, and not about death its owner.

First of all, it does not mean a short life because there is a direct relationship between life expectancy and the length of the line.

Life is short - break the rules

Do not be upset by the news that you can not boast of good health. Remember that lines tend to sprout over time, to erupt, to lengthen. Do not think that in a moment you will not be able to feel the good spirits. Live for today.

Pay attention also to the lines of Mind and Heart . If they are without breaks, then, most likely, that the short line of life in the palm can be a sign that its line of destiny can fulfill its functions. But only if the latter is located as close as possible to the Mount of Venus.

Do not concentrate on the words of the palmist. The main thing is to believe in your own strengths and in the fact that a person, with the help of his worldview and views, is able to correct his life's path.