The playwright John Byrne: "I was born from the connection between the mother and her father"

Today, the world public was impressed by the statement of the legendary playwright and artist John Byrne, who confessed that he was born of incest. Blame for everything was the passionate love of his mother Alice and her father, whom he learned by accident, a few years after his mother's death.

John Byrne

Auntie told John everything

The famous 77-year-old playwright Byrne, whom many know as the civil spouse of actress Tilda Swinton, several days ago gave an interview to a foreign edition of The Times, in which he told that his father was a grandfather. This is what the man said about this:

"I was born from the intimate connection of the mother and her father. Now I can talk about this calmly, but when this secret was revealed to me, emotions overwhelmed me. For me it was not just extraordinary news, but a shock. For a while I could not tell anyone about this. I felt shame and dislike at the same time, but over time I accepted the situation. When my aunt opened this secret to me, there was a puzzle in her head. For a long time I could not understand what unusual ties my mother and grandfather connect. They were a little strange, not at all like the connection of a daughter and a parent. I am grateful to my aunt, because she still decided and told me about it. I immediately felt that I felt better. I believe that it was thanks to this novel that I was born such an extraordinary and somewhere even a genius. "
Tilda Swinton and John Byrne

In addition, John remembered how passionately his mother and grandfather loved each other:

"From my childhood, I remember our mother and her trip to her father. This happened infrequently, but their meetings were very emotional. I remembered them and one of them still stands before my eyes. I remember we came to my grandfather, and my mother was something very upset. Her father met us, and after that they began to talk about something. His mother wanted him to beg her, his grandfather even dropped to his knees in front of her. He looked at her as if he were not a daughter, but a divine being. But most of all I was struck by their look. They looked at each other as very offended lovers. "
John accepted the situation with his mother and grandfather
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Byrne does not see anything surprising in incest

After that, the 77-year-old John confessed that he only now understands that in such relations, in which his mother and grandfather were, there is nothing surprising:

"You know, it seems to me that incest is a widespread phenomenon. Such relationships happen everywhere and do not depend on what kind of family or in which country people live. Our society is difficult and unpleasant to talk about it. We try to close our eyes when it comes to incest, but it still exists and will exist, because quite often these people experience to each other not just attraction, but true love. "

By the way, John Byrne's mother suffered from mental illness and died in 1980. According to the playwright's aunt, it was the relationship with her father and the fear of exposure that led to such deplorable consequences. It is not known whether the father had relations with other daughters. However, as well as when exactly Alice entered into a connection with her parent.

John does not believe that incest is a rarity.