David Bowie lost in a duel with a deadly disease

Musician, actor, showman David Bowie died of cancer on January 10. This information appeared on his official Facebook page.

The revolutionary of modern alternative music was 69 years old. For the past year and a half, the artist has tried unsuccessfully to defeat cancer. David went into a better world, surrounded by very close people - members of his family.

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Ziggy Stardust returned to his planet?

David Bowie is known for his bright stage costumes, an unforgettable musical show and the image of a space alien from Mars named Ziggy Stardust.

Mr. Bowie (David Robert Jones) made his debut in the distant 1969 hit Space Oddity. His favorite musical style can be called glam-rock.

Two days before his death, January 8 this year, David pleased his fans with the long-awaited album Blackstar.