Wall painting

Wall painting in the interior is one of the best techniques for creating an individual and distinctive decor. However, he is able to decorate the design, and spoil it in the bud, it all depends on the harmony of the picture relative to the overall composition of the interior and, of course, on the quality of the painting.

To begin with, you need to decide what you want. If you are staying on a complex pictorial or graphic motif, you need to contact professional artists, having previously familiarized yourself with their portfolio.

An alternative that can be realized independently is a stencil painting, a template for which can be ordered from the same artists or found on the Internet. You can print the template on thick paper, cardboard or an oracle film. Paint through the stencil is best applied with a sponge-sponge. Of course, the stencil drawing will be flat - that is, without drawn volume, gradations of light and shadow, color transitions, however, in interiors this format looks stylish.

In general, decorating the room, it is worth to abandon the realism in favor of laconic styling, especially stylized images suitable for modern wall painting. In this case, the picture can be quite bright, pure colors are preferable. You can add a little gold, silver, bronze shades, and for greater expressiveness of the pattern use a dark outline (not necessarily black, you can stay on brown, dark blue).

Types of wall painting

Starting from the location and role in the interior, you can distinguish several types of wall paintings.

  1. Picture-picture, with a certain plot and motif. Most often it occupies the entire area of ​​the wall or is located in the center. It is worth saying that in the interiors are not very appropriate complex compositions with a lot of details, color transitions (except that it's about the interior of the nursery). Wall painting is primarily a design element, not a self-sufficient work. It is best to choose compositions with one dominant figure and minimalistic color. A good example of minimalistic images can serve as a painting of walls in Japanese style, imitating traditional graphics with images of cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums, elegant landscapes.
  2. Painting, which actively interacts with other elements of the interior - the line of the picture emphasizes the internal architecture of the room, frames the doors, furniture. It can be a floral or geometric pattern, ligature, silhouettes of birds, butterflies, you can also draw on the desired contour drawing with an image of branches of trees. For example, it will be interesting to look at a tree on the branches of which "hung" photos or small pictures within.
  3. Painting-frieze, a horizontal ribbon pattern that is fired across the wall, most often - along its upper part, on the border with the ceiling. Freese will help to emphasize the atmosphere of neoclassical interiors, as well as designs with ethnic coloring - it all depends on what motive you choose. In this case, pay attention to the ornaments characteristic of the antique (for neoclassic interiors and Mediterranean decor) or a certain national tradition. By the way, it is the ornamental frieze that will help to translate the wall painting in the oriental style, for example, the Chinese one.

Materials for wall painting

To begin with, you need to prepare a wall for painting - it's good to plaster it and primed with white water-based paint. For drawing a drawing - this applies to stencils and images executed by hand - water emulsion and a set of acrylic colorants-colorants also suit.

For painting done by hand, you need to get a set of hard brushes of different sizes; by the way, they do not interfere with the fact that to correct the stencil motif.