The regime of the child's day in 1 year

The attitude to the regime of the day among parents diverge: someone adheres to strict order from birth, for someone important only the time of sleep and feeding, and someone does not observe any regime at all.

In this article, we will consider the regime of the day (nutrition, sleep) of a child of 1 year, the need for a daily routine for a child of 1 year, and how to properly organize the regime of the day in 1 year.

Child nutrition regime 1 year

At one-year age, babies usually have a two-day daytime sleep, and the number of feedings is 4-6 times. Intervals between meals for one-year-old children are about 3 hours. Obligatory are four meals - breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. If necessary, you can add snacks (no more than two).

At the age of about a year the baby should be taught to use cutlery. You should start with a spoon. Initially, the child is allowed to eat spoonfuls of thick food (porridge, mashed potatoes), then liquid dishes (soups, smoothies).

Do not try to force the child to eat with a spoon. Let him at the beginning of feeding yourself eat a couple of spoons of food, then feed it with another spoon. Do not remove the baby's spoon from the baby's hands. The last couple of spoonfuls of food allow the crumb to eat on its own.

Examples of daily routine 1 year

The approximate mode of the day in 1 year is as follows:

• for those who wake up early:

07.00 - lifting, hygienic procedures.

07.30 - Breakfast.

08.00-09.30 - Games, free time.

from 09.30 - sleep on the street (in the fresh air).

12.00 - lunch.

12.30-15.00 - walks, games, developing classes.

15.00 - afternoon snack.

from 15.30 - sleep in the open air (if there is no way to go to the park or yard, the crumb can be put to sleep in a stroller on the balcony or an open terrace).

17.00-19.00 - games, free time.

19.00 - dinner.

19.30 - hygienic procedures (bathing, preparation for sleep).

20.30 - 7.00 - a night's sleep.

• for those who wake up later:

09.00 - lifting.

09.30 - feeding (breakfast).

10.00-11.00 - classes.

11.00-12.00 - playing in the open air, walking.

12.00 - feeding (lunch).

12.30-15.00 - the first dream.

15.00-16.30 - games, free time.

16.30 - feeding (snack).

17.00 - 20.00 - games, walking in the open air.

20.00 - feeding (dinner), rest after dinner, preparation for bathing.

21.30 - hygienic procedures, bathing, preparing for bed.

22.00 - 09.00 - a night's sleep.

Of course, the time is indicative points. Do not wake the baby strictly on minutes or be upset that he ate sooner or later than indicated in the timetable. Some babies get up later, others earlier, someone requires two snacks between main meals, and someone has already given up the second day's sleep - all these features are highly individual, but the main principles of the daily routine, the feeding and sleeping regime of the child are 1 year old must be observed. Do not take any examples and recommendations as an unshakable, dogmatic truth - create your own daily routine. The main thing in this is a systematic and integrated approach. Daily observance of equal intervals between feedings and periods of sleep has a beneficial effect on the health and development of the baby. In addition, a child who is used to falling asleep at the same time, is unlikely to be capricious at night, demanding increased attention from adults.

With age, the regime of the baby's day will change, but these changes should be gradual, so that the little one has time to get used to them and adapt. The main sign of properly chosen daily routine is the well-being and mood of the child.