Ointment for bedsores

Serious violations of trophic tissue and blood circulation lead to the formation of quite deep ulcers and necrosis of the skin. This pathology requires an integrated approach using both systemic and local drugs. Ointment from decubitus is an obligatory component of therapy of the disease, after all the correctly selected preparation allows to gently cleanse, disinfect the wound, and also accelerate its healing, restore the skin.

How to choose the best ointment for bedsores?

It is advisable that local medicines, including ointments, be prescribed by the attending physician. When choosing a remedy, it is important to pay attention to the stage of progressing bedsores and the following parameters:

Names of effective ointments from decubitus in the 1-2 stages of development

For treatment and healing of forming damage of 1 degree, local preparations that promote blood circulation, lymph circulation, acceleration of skin regeneration are suitable:

Also recommended ointments from bedsores with silver:

These medicines produce a pronounced antimicrobial effect, reduce the intensity of burning and pain syndrome, improve the restoration of dermis and skin tissue.

Another effective local remedy is Vulnuzan. The drug also has antimicrobial activity, it stops septic and inflammatory processes.

The second stage of the described problem is characterized not by superficial damage of the skin, but by granulation. Therefore, its therapy requires a drying ointment against decubitus, simultaneously stimulating the rejection of dead tissue, purulent masses and activating the regeneration processes. The listed properties are possessed by such medicines:

In the case of septic inflammation, antibacterial agents used in the therapy of later stages of pathology should be added to the course of treatment.

Ointments for treatment of bedsores 3-4 degrees of progression

Severe forms of the disease in question are usually accompanied by deep necrosis of the dermis and subcutaneous layers. Ulcers require thorough purification from purulent exudate and dead tissue with subsequent adsorption of secreted masses. Therefore, for the treatment of complex bedsores ointments with antibiotics are prescribed:

Good antimicrobial abilities and antiseptic properties are possessed by the above medicines with silver ions and such preparations:

After cleaning decubituses and removing necrotic tissue, it is necessary to restore blood circulation in them, accelerate healing and activate cell regeneration. This allows you to make special ointments:

An innovative drug is Stellanin ointment. Its peculiarity is the ability to restore the trophic from the first day of use

Medical research has shown that for 2.5 months of regular use this ointment is completely manageable even with deep bedsores of 3-4 stages.