Oxytocin after childbirth

This hormone of the human body, like oxytocin, is inextricably linked with the processes of birth and lactation. An increase in the volume of its synthesis leads to an increase in the contractile activity of uterine myometrium. In addition, there is a stimulation directly and those cells that are located in the mammary glands, which contributes to the production of breast milk.

In some cases, most often after delivery, oxytocin is administered intravenously. Let's try to understand in what situations the appointment of this hormone after the birth of the baby may be required.

Why is oxytocin administered after delivery?

As you know, an increase in the concentration of this hormone occurs directly in the third trimester of pregnancy. It was noted that the most frequent increase in the concentration of oxytocin is observed at night, which partly explains the fact that often the first bouts begin at night.

With regard to the fact that oxytocin is being injected after delivery, most often physicians pursue one goal - increasing the contractile activity of the myometrium and expelling the residual tissue from the uterine cavity. Also, the use of this hormone can be resorted to and to accelerate the departure of the afterbirth.

Also, a dropper with oxytocin after childbirth can be prescribed:

In the latter case, the hormone is rarely used. Most often this hormone action is used as an additional effect. After all, there are other ways to increase the production of breast milk: early application to the breast, constant pumping, the use of teas, increasing lactation, etc.

Thus, it can be said that, in the main, oxytocin after delivery is prescribed for uterine contraction and for the early removal of the placenta.