New Year's rituals

New Year's holiday is not for nothing considered magical. It gives a start to a new period of time and adjusts to a new mode. On this day, you can spend New Year's rituals, which can help attract luck , increase cash flow, get married.

Rituals for money for the new year

There is a considerable amount of techniques of monetary rituals for the new year. Let us dwell on the most common:

  1. Ritual with grain . Prepare grains of wheat and rye in advance. In the New Year's Eve it is necessary to throw a handful of grain up and say: "How many thousands are born from one grain, so let me, slaves (name), money be born, increase and never end."
  2. Money tree . Decorate the Christmas tree with what you would like to have next year. If there is a need to attract money, then you should decorate the New Year tree with money bills. Money can be put under a spruce and in branches.
  3. Fighting debts . Before the holiday it is necessary to throw something heavy on your shoulders: for example, a blanket. And to walk with a burden about two hours. After this, we must throw off the cargo and shout: "I'm free!". Of course, debts will not disappear immediately, but this ritual will help bring to life such situations that will speed up the solution of financial problems.

Rituals for marriage for the new year

  1. A golden heart . Get a small heart of gold. Keep it and get it just before New Year's Eve. Hang the heart on the tree, and after the holiday hide in a beautiful casket.
  2. A doll of loneliness . Before New Year's Eve, make a fabric doll. It must be ugly and repulsive. Name the doll Solitude. On New Year's Eve spend some time with her and tell her that you need to part. At midnight, throw the doll out of the window and feel how you feel better.
  3. Burnt desire . Before the battle of the bells, prepare a paper with a handle and light a candle. As soon as the chimes begin to beat midnight, you should quickly write your desire for marriage and burn it, and throw the ash into a glass of water and drink it.
  4. Desire under the tree . On the night of 13 to 14 January, write on a sheet of paper about your desire to get married and leave a note under the tree. At noon, burn the paper with desire.

Rituals for the new year can be held not only on New Year's Eve, but also during all New Year's holidays. But in any case, the more emotions and energy will be invested in the desire, the more likely it will be.