Types of emotions

Every day a person experiences different kinds of emotions and feelings. And they have their own purpose, but which one is worth talking about.

Types and functions of human emotions

Before talking about the types and properties of feelings, it is necessary to understand the concept of emotions, and how they differ from feelings. Feelings refer to a person's relationship to various phenomena and objects of reality. Emotions are the reactions of a person to various stimuli, roughly speaking, this is a particular variant of the senses.

Classification of emotions and their breakdown into species is difficult to produce. Of course, one can divide emotions into positive and negative emotions, but this division will be conditional. For example, anger and anger in most cases will lead to negative emotions, but in some cases such feelings can be beneficial. Therefore, the classification of types of emotions in relation to various spheres of life is more often used. Distinguish the following forms and types of emotions.

  1. Higher education. They meet the highest social needs - love of the Motherland, their people, other people.
  2. Moral. Feelings felt to society, to oneself - friendship, conscience, love and other emotions, responsible for interpersonal relationships.
  3. Praxic. Arise in the process of labor activity, related to its success and not success.
  4. Intellectual. Emerging with mental activity, stable and sustained feelings. Such as curiosity, surprise, joy of knowing the truth.

Having dealt with the types of emotions, you can start to describe their basic functions, there are the following types.

  1. Motivational-regulatory. This function is expressed in the fact that emotions are often a motivating factor, they model human behavior.
  2. Communicative - the external expression of emotions helps a person to communicate with other people.
  3. Signal. Emotion, reaction to stimuli gives a person the opportunity to understand which of the needs to be met in the first place.
  4. Protective function, allows you to react to danger and save a person from trouble.

Kinds of positive emotions and their brief characteristics

  1. Interest is a condition that helps the development of skills, skills and the acquisition of new knowledge.
  2. Joy is a state that testifies to the fullest possible satisfaction of one of its actual needs. And so this feeling is brighter, the less was the probability of getting what you wanted. Sometimes joy can grow into delight, euphoria, jubilation.
  3. Sympathy - can be based on common interests and hobbies, sexual attractiveness. This feeling under certain circumstances can develop into admiration, friendship, love, respect, trust.

Types of negative emotions and their brief characteristics

  1. Suffering - is associated with obtaining information about the inability to meet important vital needs, often occurs in the form of stress.
  2. Anger is caused by the appearance of unexpected obstacles in the way of satisfying a need that is extremely important for a person. Usually, this emotion takes the form of an effect that is not particularly long in time.
  3. Disgust - is caused by circumstances, objects, people whose contact with which causes a sharp contradiction with the moral, aesthetic, ideological principles of man. When combined with anger in interpersonal relationships can provoke aggression.
  4. Contempt is generated by disagreement in the attitudes of a person with the behavior and life position of another person.
  5. Fear - appears when you receive information about a possible threat to welfare. It can not be caused by a real danger, but by an imaginary one, and this is different from the emotion of suffering.
  6. Shame - appears when you realize the inconsistency of one's actions, thoughts, norms of generally accepted morality or one's own attitudes.

Surprise is a neutral emotion, but is incredibly strong in impact, blocking all previous emotions. The surprise is caused as a result of unexpected development of circumstances, can pass in interest.

It is worth noting that emotions are necessary for a person, their deficit (both positive and negative) is usually made up through films, books, sports. Therefore, trying to control one's own emotions, one must strive not for insensitivity, but for the ability to think soberly in any life situations.