Signs of schizophrenia in women

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects men more than women. Nevertheless, recently the percentage of morbidity among the beautiful half of humanity, unfortunately, is increasing. Consider the first signs of schizophrenia in women and the main differences from the course of the disease in men.

Symptoms of schizophrenia in women:

  1. Violations of the perception of reality and the world around us. The boundaries between reality and imaginary images are erased, the patients are frightened by everyday cares and familiar things. There may arise fears over objects of some specific geometric form or color, there is an inadequate reaction to the words of other people.
  2. Changes in normal behavior. Patients with schizophrenia suffer from retarded reactions, hesitancy in answering questions, making decisions. A person can generally stop communicating with others because of personal fears. In addition, there is a so-called ritual behavior, when the schizophrenic performs the same movements, for example, walks in a circle, swings from side to side.
  3. Battered emotions. Man ceases to understand what is an adequate response to this or that life situation. The emotional side of the character is practically erased or greatly changed. Patients with schizophrenia laugh at sad facts and are also upset with joyful news. Over time, misunderstanding of others leads to the fact that a person closes in himself, becomes indifferent to all that is happening.
  4. Delirium and hallucinations. Non-existent images are most often auditory and visual. Schizophrenics hear voices that supposedly indicate what to do and how to behave. This sometimes explains the unreasonable aggression towards others. The progressive form of the disease is accompanied by visual hallucinations, which can frighten or amuse the patient.
  5. Confusion of thoughts. Schizophrenics rarely can clearly explain the course of their thoughts, they lose the ability to reason logically. Such people have incoherent, senseless speech, fragmentary consciousness. Often a person is not able to realize his own self, separate him from the world around him.
  6. Slovenliness and forgetfulness . The internal state is inevitably reflected in appearance. The person stops paying attention to the rules of hygiene, to monitor the cleanliness of clothing, hair and body. In addition, it is not uncommon for schizophrenics to forget even to eat. This leads to physical exhaustion, the patient has bruises around the eyes, rapid weight loss is observed.

The first signs of schizophrenia in women

All of the above symptoms are typical for both women and men. For the very first signs, women can list the following:

But even if you found at least a number of these signs at yourself or someone from your acquaintances, do not make hasty conclusions. After all, the set of symptoms is not yet a complete diagnosis.