Warts on hands - treatment

Warts are benign skin lesions caused by various types of human papillomatosis viruses. Most often, warts appear on the hands, tk. it is the hands that are most in contact with the external environment. Contribute to infection with various micro-trauma, wounds, scratches on the skin.

For a long time, the virus can be in the body without manifesting itself, but under certain conditions (lowering of immunity, failure of the hormonal background, stress, etc.), it activates, forming growths on the skin. Sometimes warts on the hands appear for no apparent reason and disappear on their own and without a trace without treatment, thanks to the proper functioning of the immune system.

Nevertheless, do not let the process go by itself and wait until the wart disappears by itself, tk. the spread of the virus can lead to numerous formations, and some warts sometimes degenerate into malignant ones. And, of course, getting rid of warts on the hands of women is based on aesthetic considerations.

Treatment of flat and ordinary warts on the hands at home

There are many effective ways to treat warts on the hands of folk remedies. But, when deciding on a home removal of a wart , you should consult a specialist who can confirm the diagnosis. We also need to understand that folk methods that use natural ingredients do not help achieve a quick result, so it's better to have patience and perseverance. Consider the most common folk methods of treatment for warts.

Method number 1

It is recommended to treat the wart several times a day with fresh juice of potatoes, apples or onions.

Method No. 2

One of the most accessible and effective methods of treatment of warts on the hands is the treatment of celandine juice. It is better to use fresh juice obtained from the root part of the plant, and perform the procedure at least 6 times a day.

Method number 3

Another good preparation is prepared according to a simple recipe.



Peel the onion and finely chop it, place it in a glass bowl. Pour vinegar, cover and put in the refrigerator. After 8-10 hours the product is ready for use. Every day at night, you need to apply a piece of onion to the wart, fixing with adhesive plaster or polyethylene and bandage.

Method No. 4

For the night should be applied to the wart berries ripe rowan, cut halfway, fixing with adhesive plaster or bandage.

Method No. 5

Every day, several times lubricate the formation of a mixture of sea buckthorn oil and tea tree essential oil, combined in equal proportions.

Before using any folk remedy, you should pour the wart in warm water for 5-10 minutes, then wipe it dry.

Treatment of warts on the hands medication

Medicines for the treatment of warts on the hands can be both local and systemic. Of the local funds that are recommended for single units, we can distinguish the following:

With the prevalence of the lesion and the propensity to relapse, antiviral and immunostimulating therapy is prescribed, and systemic retinoids are administered.