Blood test in children - transcript

The condition and composition of the blood is an indicator of a variety of diseases. At preventive examinations in children, a general blood test is mandatory. This is necessary to prevent the development of serious diseases, the early signs of which can only be changes in blood composition. Decoding of the blood test in children should be done by an experienced specialist, drawing conclusions independently, based on the average statistical data can not be. With fractures, surgical intervention, medication treatment and other factors, the results of the blood test in children may be inaccurate, so it is best to decipher the case of the attending physician, taking into account the specific situation. A normal blood test in children is not indicative of the complete absence of any disease, but it helps to make a more accurate diagnosis and determine the method of treatment. Indicators of blood test in children is the ratio and the number of different elements that make up its composition, such as hemoglobin, erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes and others.

Clinical (general) blood test in children

Deciphering the general analysis of blood in children allows to reveal inflammatory processes, anemia, helminthic invasions. Clinical analysis is done for preventive purposes, as well as during treatment, to monitor and correct the process. If it is necessary to see the state of all blood elements in children, a detailed blood test is assigned.

The analysis of blood ESR in children shows the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, and helps to identify endocrine disorders, liver and kidney damage, infectious diseases.

Biochemical blood test in children

Blood for analysis is taken from the vein. Before taking blood, you must not take food and liquid (except water) for at least 6 hours, as this may affect the results.

Deciphering the biochemical analysis of blood in children allows you to determine the state of organs and body systems, identify inflammatory or rheumatic processes, metabolic disorders. Also, this analysis helps determine the stage of the disease and the method of treatment.

Blood test for allergens in children

If you tend to allergic reactions, you need to conduct a study that will help determine the allergens. Allergies can be caused by many factors, so you can not try to establish the causes yourself. The tactics of treatment will also depend on the results of the analysis. A situation is common where doctors try to exclude the effect of the most common factors without tests. Parents should understand that such actions are unacceptable and negatively affect the quality and timing of treatment.

Blood test in newborns

A general blood test in children is done from 3 months to prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia, and to check the health status before routine vaccinations. If the results of the analysis are unsatisfactory, vaccination should not be done, because at the time of vaccination the child should be absolutely healthy. In cases where there are suspicions of the disease, the tests are done before three months, as necessary. If there is a family history of a disease that is transmitted genetically, then a genetic test of the baby's blood will be required. It is believed that the blood sampling for analysis causes a small child stress that is dangerous for health, so doctors recommend that parents distract the baby and help create a calm environment during the procedure.

It often happens that after receiving a form with the results of blood test of the baby, the parents look at him in confusion and can not understand what those or other figures on the leaf mean. As already mentioned, only the doctor will be able to analyze the analysis, which will take into account not one indicator, but everything that is on the form. Of course, the most curious parents can not wait to find out whether the child's blood test is normal, but comparing the standard figures indicated on the form with the results of the tests is not worth it, since they are most often related to the indices of adult patients, and for babies there are norms that literally on days. We suggest you get acquainted with the table of blood composition norms of children of different ages.

Before giving the test, parents should consult with the therapist, learn in detail how to prepare for the procedure, how much a blood test costs, what should be carried with them for the procedure and on which days it is best to bring the child. Serious attention should be paid to preventive blood tests, as they can detect and cure many diseases in the earliest stages in a timely manner.