Soda for hair

The benefits of soda have been known for a very long time. The remedy was actively used by our ancestors, it is still used today. One of the areas of application of soda is for washing and healing hair. Sodium bicarbonate can compete effectively with most modern shampoos. All due to the fact that this tool can boast a mass of useful properties.

Application of baking soda for washing hair

In ancient times almost all were used for washing their heads. Alkaline properties of the substance helped to effectively dissolve and remove fat from the hair, clean and slightly dry the scalp. The huge advantage of soda is that it is natural and completely harmless. What can not be said about the good half (if not all) of salon funds.

Suitable for all types of hair. Even owners of dry scalp from time to time it is useful to wash your head with sodium bicarbonate. In addition, soda is ideal for use in hard water - after it the hair remains soft, docile and silky. And with regular use of sodium bicarbonate, the number of procedures for washing the head can be reduced - hair under the influence of soda is not soiled quickly.

If desired, soda can be mixed into hair shampoo . Half the teaspoon of the remedy will be enough for a single wash. Dissolve the soda in a small amount of water and add a few drops of shampoo to the mixture. The result of using sodium bicarbonate will not be immediately noticeable, but do not rush to abandon the remedy. Within a month, the first positive changes will be visible.

Soda for hair is useful as an independent tool. Prepare and apply a soda solution for washing your head can be as follows:

  1. Just dilute a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of warm water.
  2. The resulting mixture is carefully applied to the hair instead of shampoo.
  3. And that after using the head of shining even more, rinse it with diluted in water apple cider vinegar.

This procedure is mandatory for owners of thin and brittle hair, otherwise the process of combing is significantly more complicated.

How to wash off the hair with soda?

Another useful property of sodium bicarbonate is the ability to remove hair from the hair. Soda is effective enough. You can prepare and apply the mask in a few minutes. Anything you need:

  1. Mix soda with water and juice obtained from half a lemon.
  2. The mixture is applied to the hair and is rubbed very carefully into the roots and skin.
  3. After that, the head is wrapped in polyethylene and covered with a warm towel.
  4. Approximately in a quarter of an hour the agent is washed off from the hair under running water.

This mask of soda, among other things, is suitable for increasing the volume of hair.

You can see the color changes after the first wash. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, but it is recommended to do this not earlier than in a couple of days.

Lightening hair soda

Sometimes soda is used to lighten hair . Of course, turning brunettes into blondes will not help, but for a few shades lightens easily. To soda affected, Apply it along with honey and lemon juice:

  1. Wash your head thoroughly with soda.
  2. Rinse hair with water with lemon juice (take one lemon per liter of water).
  3. On clean curls, apply a small amount of honey, wrap in cellophane and leave for several hours (or overnight).

Blondes achieve the desired result immediately. And if after the first procedure the hair is not brightened enough, after a couple of days it should be repeated. It will only benefit.