Chicken stomachs - calorie content

Different chicken offal is used to make a favorite for many dishes, and this applies not only to the liver or hearts, but also to the bird's stomach. This product is convenient in preparation, pleasant to taste, but has only one drawback - no more than two days are stored without freezing. But the caloric content of chicken stomachs is low enough, they can be freely used by people who follow a diet. Fat in them is only 20% of the total, and the bulk of it is protein. There are other valuable properties in the product.

What are the benefits of chicken stomachs?

This by-product is universal in terms of cooking: it can be boiled, stewed, fried and separately, and together with other ingredients, make soup, casseroles, vegetable stews with them and much more. The use of chicken stomachs is, first of all, in their nutrition, because 75% of them consist of protein compounds that are easily absorbed by a person and participate in the cellular exchange of the body. The protein stimulates natural immunity , actively supports it, helps it to recover after a serious illness. He is also responsible for good health, energy potential, internal organs and so on.

Chicken stomachs contain a large number of different vitamins and trace elements. For example, here is vitamin A in the form of beta carotene, which is responsible for optimizing the work of the organs of vision and the stable functioning of the nervous system. B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin PP, minerals: selenium, manganese, copper, silane, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. are also present. Therefore, with regular use of the product, the condition of the skin and hair improves, and the nails stop breaking. Folic acid in the by-products contributes to the optimization of the intestinal tract. In this case, chicken stomach contains cholesterol in a large enough volume, so eating them too often should not be eaten.

Caloric content of chicken stomachs

Despite the presence of saturated fatty acids in the product composition, the calorie content of chicken stomach is only 94 kcal per hundred grams in fresh form. If they are fried, the energy value of the dish increases many times, and the utility decreases. Therefore, it is best to boil offal. Caloric content of cooked chicken stomachs almost does not change, in comparison with raw, and in them almost complete set of valuable substances, vitamins and microcells remains.