Hemlock - application

Hemlock is a medicinal plant, which, in view of its poisonous substances, is used with extreme caution. However, its powerful therapeutic effect makes it possible to facilitate the course of many severe pathologies, so it successfully competes with the intake of chemical medicines. Let us consider in detail who is shown the use of hemlock grass.

Use of hemlock tincture

Alcohol tincture Hemlock is the most popular and effective drug based on this plant. Basically, it is used internally, while observing a strict dosage. Among the useful properties of this tool are the following:

This plant is widely spread in the treatment of cancer. It is recommended for use in cancers of the respiratory system, in the liver, kidneys, mammary glands. Using tincture hemlock in cancer allows you to run in the body processes of rejection of malignant cells, as well as eliminate pain. Several schemes of drug administration, depending on the location of the tumor, the stage of the disease and the general state of the body, have been developed. All these techniques combine the rule, providing for a gradual increase in the dose of tincture, and at the end of the treatment - a gradual decrease in it.

Also, this plant is effectively used in pathologies accompanied by convulsions or spasm of internal organs, with various pain syndromes, diseases of the digestive and genitourinary systems. It allows to achieve positive results using hemlock with nerve diseases, inflammatory pathologies of the organs of sight and hearing, in order to stimulate blood formation and enhance the body's immune defense.

The use of ointment and hemlock oil

The plant is also used as an external agent, for which it is used to produce medicinal oil and ointment. The use of these drugs has virtually no contraindications, in contrast to the restrictions of internal reception of hemlock. Ointment and oil when applied to problem areas have the following effect:

These funds are used in such pathologies: