Than to treat a cough from a snot in a child?

Catarrhal diseases are frequent visitors during the autumn-winter period. The temperature, runny nose, cough, headache, lethargy are all symptoms that everyone, who suffers from a cold or ARVI, encounters. It so happens that not at once small children can learn to blow their nose. Of course, now there are many means for washing the nasal sinuses and various drugs to fight the common cold, but the problem still remains, which entails the ingress of mucus into the bronchi. The question is, how to treat a cough from a snot in a child, you can hear at a pediatrician's reception very often. And almost always comes the same answer: try to get rid of the common cold, because without this, taking any cough medicine will be useless.

What if the baby has a cough from the snot?

So, as already mentioned above, parents need to ensure the maximum outflow of mucus from the nasal sinuses into the external environment, and not into the body. In addition, cough from the snot in a child is recommended to be treated with medicinal preparations according to the following scheme:

Mucolytics - this is the first category of drugs, designed specifically to ensure that dry cough from snot in a child turned into wet. As a rule, treatment with these drugs is recommended to be performed within 2-3 days before the sputum is discharged. The most common medicines are:

  1. Bromhexine, syrup. This drug can be taken from birth. It is prescribed according to the scheme: for children up to two years - 2 mg 3 times a day; from two to six - 4 mg 3 times throughout the day; from six to fourteen years - 8 mg 3 times a day.
  2. Herbion from a dry cough, syrup. This is a herbal medicine, the main component of which is Plantain. The drug is prescribed from the age of two and adopted according to the scheme: from two to seven years - 1 scoop 3 times a day; from seven to fourteen years - 2 measuring spoons 3 times throughout the day.

The second category of drugs are those that facilitate the withdrawal of sputum from the bronchi, and they include:

  1. Gedelix, syrup. Ivy leaves are the main component of this medicine. Gedelix helps to defeat a strong cough from snot in a child, both infants and teenagers. The scheme of its application is as follows: children up to a year - 2.5 ml twice a day; from year to four - 2.5 ml three times during the day; from four to ten - 2.5 ml four times a day.
  2. Alteika, syrup. This is also a medicine of plant origin, which includes an extract of the root of Althea. Wet cough from snot in a child is recommended to treat according to the following scheme: for children up to a year - 2.5 ml one - twice a day; from one year to two - 2.5 ml three times during the day; from two to six - 5 ml four times a day; from six to fourteen - 10 ml four times a day.

What inhalations treat a cough from a snot in a child?

In addition to medical treatment, the baby is recommended to do inhalations, because doctors have long proven that wet, hot steam allows the child to cope with this disease more quickly.

One of the simplest and affordable inhalations that can be done at home is the procedure with Eucalyptus tincture. To do this you will need:

All ingredients should be placed in the heating pad and pour boiling water. After that, the child is recommended to inhale the vapors with a mouth, breathing out his nose. The procedure lasts an average of about 5-10 minutes, while hot steam will leave the hot water bottle. It is worth paying attention to the fact that such inhalation can cause a cough, so it should not be done immediately after eating.

To summarize, I want to note that it is possible to help a child when coughing with snot, as using the above medicament preparations for his treatment, and by inhaling and soldering it with piles of herbs. However, it is worth remembering that if within 5-7 days of relief does not come, then you will need to seek medical advice from a doctor.