The child walks on socks - reasons

Finally, your baby begins to make his first, long-awaited steps! With what impatience all parents are waiting for this moment! Some babies with might and main stomping already from 9 months, and others, too cautious kids, start to walk only about 1 year and 3 months.

Meanwhile, specialist doctors agree that it is better for a child not to start early. The optimal age for the first steps is 1 year. Children who start stepping too early on foot do not correctly form a stop, and at first they can walk on tiptoe.

However, this is by no means the only factor that can help the baby to get up on toes. Many parents notice that their baby does not get up completely, and not without reason begin to worry. In this article we will try to understand why a child goes on tiptoe, and what causes can cause such a violation.

Why does a child sometimes wear socks?

There are many quite innocuous reasons why your child sometimes wears socks, for example:

All these reasons do not carry any danger in themselves, but in this case your baby most of the time must put his foot on the full foot. This behavior is a short-term phenomenon, and you will certainly notice that this is just a game from the side of the baby.

Meanwhile, not always walking the child on tiptoe is a completely innocuous phenomenon. If parents see that the kid almost always puts his foot wrong, it is necessary to urgently turn to a professional neurologist.

The main reason why a child often goes on tiptoe is muscular dystonia , or uneven leg tone. In this condition, some muscles of the child will be overly tense, while others, on the contrary, are excessively relaxed. Another serious problem that causes "tiptoe" is the syndrome of pyramidal insufficiency. Such a pathology is usually caused by a birth trauma and represents a disruption of the work of the brain region responsible for the motor function. Both these conditions require immediate treatment under the supervision of a qualified physician, because in the absence of timely measures they can contribute to serious violations of the child's life, for example, the formation of infantile cerebral palsy.

It is worth noting that often the cause of pathologies in the motor sphere of young children is the excessive infatuation of their parents with walkers and other similar devices, because it is during their use that the child has a habit of moving on toes. To avoid such violations, walkers should be used as rarely as possible, and necessarily shoe sandals with solids on the legs of the baby. Some doctors generally do not recommend such devices, even for a short period of time.

What if the child often goes on tiptoe?

As already mentioned above, in any case it is worth to visit a doctor. An experienced doctor will be able to quickly understand the reasons why a child wears socks, and either calm the parents in vain, or prescribe the necessary treatment.

Usually doctors in such situations prescribe the following procedures: