How to treat mosquito bites in children?

With the onset of heat, many people go on vacation to nature. This kind of leisure is popular with adults and children alike. But often the whole impression of the trip is corrupted by annoying mosquitoes. Parents especially worried that insects can bite their child, because bites are accompanied by an intolerable itch, and are also capable of provoking an allergy. Many people will be interested in knowing how to treat mosquito bites in children, what means to choose. This information will help you be prepared for an unpleasant situation and confront it.

How to remove the itch from mosquito bites in a child: folk methods

Sometimes you can do with improvised means, because not always at the right time at hand there is a drug.

You can cool the affected area with plain water. It is also recommended to wipe the desired area with medical or ammonia. These simple ways will help to remove an unpleasant and vexing itch.

If you are an adherent of "grandmother's" methods, then the question of how to spread mosquito bites to a child, you should know that popular sodas include ordinary soda, which is in the kitchen of most housewives. From it you can make a gruel and put it on an inflamed place. You can also wipe it with a solution, which is prepared at the rate of 0.5 teaspoon per glass of water.

Here are some more tips on how to treat the bite of a mosquito in a child:

Folk ways will perfectly suit both for children up to a year, and for older ones.

Pharmaceutical products from mosquito bites

Before traveling to nature, you can purchase necessary preparations in advance. Fenistil gel will help in solving the problem, what to smear mosquito bites to a child, it is suitable even for children under 1 year. It removes itching, inflammation, and also prevents the appearance of allergic reactions. The fact that it is suitable even for babies is a significant plus, so you can recommend that every mother put this medication in her medicine chest.

Also for children of all ages, you can apply balsam "Rescuer". It helps to relieve inflammation and quick healing of the affected area.

In children's stores and pharmacies are offered various creams that will help in the situation. You can ask advice from a consultant, he will certainly recommend, than to remove mosquito bites in a child.

What to do with an allergic reaction?

After an insect bite a baby can develop an allergy. If the mother knows that the child is predisposed to such manifestations, she should have on hand antihistamines. It should be consulted in advance with the doctor about the choice of remedy. It can be "Fenkarol", "Claritin".

But there are situations when it is not necessary to decide what to cure mosquito bites in a child, and urgently seek medical attention. If the affected area is very red, swelling, the baby experiences severe itching, then you can not delay. This means that the child develops a serious allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock is possible. In this case, only a specialist can provide the necessary help and prescribe stronger drugs for treatment.

It is difficult to say unequivocally what is best from mosquito bites in children. Each mother can choose herself by consulting the doctor. But nevertheless it is necessary to think about preventive methods, which will protect the baby from insects.